5 Sets of the "Bear" complex
1 Set consists of:
7 Rounds
Power clean
Front squat
Push press or jerk
Back squat
Push press or jerk from the back
*You must add weight every set. The bar may not rest on the ground; touch-and-go only between push press from the back and deadlift.
Score by highest weight lifted for an entire set.
Hadn't performed this WOD in over a year and, well, it was a bear. Had high hopes of succeeding with something close to bodyweight, but it was not to be. Turns out 60 thrusters the day before the "Bear" is not the best idea. Starting light at 95# my quads just blew up and I knew it was gonna be a fight. 115# and 135# went off pretty well. 155# took about four minutes (I checked the video) but I got through it. 175# was just a shit show. The cleans were easy enough, as were the squats, but I just didn't have the legs to jerk the bar with any authority, and failed at the end of round 3. Gaming this to hit your big weight early, and accepting failure in the next round or two would certainly yield higher scores, but that would, in large part defeat the purpose of getting the best workout in that you could. It would also be douche-baggery at it's worst.
Rest tomorrow

Thursday, December 30, 2010
12/27 Batman and Catwoman
5 Rounds for time:
12 Thrusters 95#
12 Pullups
Glute-ham raise 5x5
The WOD stipulated that each athlete should pick their own weight for the thruster, with the caveat that I wanted them to move fast. I program this type of thing from time to time to see what kind of gauge our athletes have on their own ability. Sometimes it works out great, others not so great, but is always a good learning experience. I used 95#, which in hindsight, was a bit heavy. Had to break the thrusters once in both the 4th and 5th rounds and finished in 5:50. Way too much looking at the bar and walking from the barbell to pullup bar, rather than running. Quads blew up for a good while after, which is always pleasant.
Something special tomorrow.
12 Thrusters 95#
12 Pullups
Glute-ham raise 5x5
The WOD stipulated that each athlete should pick their own weight for the thruster, with the caveat that I wanted them to move fast. I program this type of thing from time to time to see what kind of gauge our athletes have on their own ability. Sometimes it works out great, others not so great, but is always a good learning experience. I used 95#, which in hindsight, was a bit heavy. Had to break the thrusters once in both the 4th and 5th rounds and finished in 5:50. Way too much looking at the bar and walking from the barbell to pullup bar, rather than running. Quads blew up for a good while after, which is always pleasant.
Something special tomorrow.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
12/26 ...Your Smile and Your Little Finger...
Back squat 3x5
Standing press 3x5
GHD situp 3x10
I hadn't worked out since the 23rd. As it turned out, I was busy enough with Christmas festivities at my folks', and the weather shitty enough, that I didn't make it to the Body Compound in Bloomington for a WOD on Christmas Eve, as was my intention. I did however drink copious amounts of beer and my fair share of bourbon the night before. What can I say? My brothers are instigators and I am ashamedly highly susceptible to peer pressure. So, I was in no shape to work out anyway. Then we had the pleasure of driving home Christmas Eve in the awesome central Illinois weather. Apparently, the folks in the middle part of the state are cutting back on salt use. A drive that took 80 minutes on the 23rd took 3 hours+ the next day. Which was fun.
275# in the squat, which was zero fun, but by far the most I've squatted for 3x5. I was on the fence about whether to try 140# in the press for the 3rd week in a row, or drop to 137.5#, which I felt confident about. I opted for the latter and hit the 3x5 without too much trouble. 140# next week for sure. I've been slacking a bit with core work lately, so I wanted to get some of that in without crippling myself for the rest of the week. Hence the low volume in the GHD situps.
Nasty metcon and GHRs tomorrow.
Standing press 3x5
GHD situp 3x10
I hadn't worked out since the 23rd. As it turned out, I was busy enough with Christmas festivities at my folks', and the weather shitty enough, that I didn't make it to the Body Compound in Bloomington for a WOD on Christmas Eve, as was my intention. I did however drink copious amounts of beer and my fair share of bourbon the night before. What can I say? My brothers are instigators and I am ashamedly highly susceptible to peer pressure. So, I was in no shape to work out anyway. Then we had the pleasure of driving home Christmas Eve in the awesome central Illinois weather. Apparently, the folks in the middle part of the state are cutting back on salt use. A drive that took 80 minutes on the 23rd took 3 hours+ the next day. Which was fun.
275# in the squat, which was zero fun, but by far the most I've squatted for 3x5. I was on the fence about whether to try 140# in the press for the 3rd week in a row, or drop to 137.5#, which I felt confident about. I opted for the latter and hit the 3x5 without too much trouble. 140# next week for sure. I've been slacking a bit with core work lately, so I wanted to get some of that in without crippling myself for the rest of the week. Hence the low volume in the GHD situps.
Nasty metcon and GHRs tomorrow.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
12/23 Mary Klibbus!
Front squat 3x5
Bench press 3x5
Ring row 3x max
230# in the FS, 210# in the BP. Managed 20, 18, and 15 in the ring row. Headed down to Bloomington tonight to spend Christmas Eve with my mom, dad, two brothers and their wives and kids. Back tomorrow night. Hopefully squeeze in a WOD at one of the local affiliates. And hopefully NOT have to deal with a flippin' blizzard on the way back. Everyone have a great, safe, restful holiday. Hit it again hard on Sunday.
Bench press 3x5
Ring row 3x max
230# in the FS, 210# in the BP. Managed 20, 18, and 15 in the ring row. Headed down to Bloomington tonight to spend Christmas Eve with my mom, dad, two brothers and their wives and kids. Back tomorrow night. Hopefully squeeze in a WOD at one of the local affiliates. And hopefully NOT have to deal with a flippin' blizzard on the way back. Everyone have a great, safe, restful holiday. Hit it again hard on Sunday.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
12/21 Koptobbler!
Power clean 3x3
On the minute for 8 minutes:
3 Weighted pullups
Max reps power snatch 1/2BW
*Score by pullup weight x total power snatch reps
Hit 205# for all three sets in the PC. Metcon was rough. The idea was to go heavy in the pullup and then in the remaining time in the minute perform as many power snatches as possible. I used 95# in the power snatch, which was a shade over 1/2BW, and 60# in the pullup which was a little too much. I think I'd have totaled a lot more PSs if I'd gone with 50#. I also performed the PUs on rings, which did me no favors. At any rate, I managed 53 reps x 60# for a score of 3180.
Check out the vid below. While it may be tempting to describe his performance with words such as gnarly or sick, Danny has mastered his chosen sport to a degree that I can only call beautiful. The scenery is breathtaking, the music moving. Enjoy
On the minute for 8 minutes:
3 Weighted pullups
Max reps power snatch 1/2BW
*Score by pullup weight x total power snatch reps
Hit 205# for all three sets in the PC. Metcon was rough. The idea was to go heavy in the pullup and then in the remaining time in the minute perform as many power snatches as possible. I used 95# in the power snatch, which was a shade over 1/2BW, and 60# in the pullup which was a little too much. I think I'd have totaled a lot more PSs if I'd gone with 50#. I also performed the PUs on rings, which did me no favors. At any rate, I managed 53 reps x 60# for a score of 3180.
Check out the vid below. While it may be tempting to describe his performance with words such as gnarly or sick, Danny has mastered his chosen sport to a degree that I can only call beautiful. The scenery is breathtaking, the music moving. Enjoy
Monday, December 20, 2010
Wham!!! It Gets Better
Back squat 3x5
Standing press 3x5
Ended up short on time today. Spent 7 hours painting a huge CFWC logo on the wall at the ClubHouse with fellow CFWC trainer Timmy. We're not quite finished but if I do say so myself, it's looking sharp so far. I then had two classes to coach with an hour of downtime between. Normally I would have stayed after to finish the session with a pulling movement, but by the time the 7:15 class was over, the snowfall had gotten a little outrageous. Thought it better to get my ass home. Hit 270# in the squat, which wasn't too bad, and is definitely a PR for 3x5. Tried 140# in the press for the 2nd week in a row. Last week I managed 3x4 and was confident I'd hit 3x5 today. The first two sets were a battle and I did hit 5s in both. The 3rd was not to be though, and I only managed a triple. I'm torn as whether to back off to 137.5# next week, or give 140# another go and hope for the best. We shall see.
Tomorrow I'll make up today's power cleans and hit the CFWC workout of the day.
Standing press 3x5
Ended up short on time today. Spent 7 hours painting a huge CFWC logo on the wall at the ClubHouse with fellow CFWC trainer Timmy. We're not quite finished but if I do say so myself, it's looking sharp so far. I then had two classes to coach with an hour of downtime between. Normally I would have stayed after to finish the session with a pulling movement, but by the time the 7:15 class was over, the snowfall had gotten a little outrageous. Thought it better to get my ass home. Hit 270# in the squat, which wasn't too bad, and is definitely a PR for 3x5. Tried 140# in the press for the 2nd week in a row. Last week I managed 3x4 and was confident I'd hit 3x5 today. The first two sets were a battle and I did hit 5s in both. The 3rd was not to be though, and I only managed a triple. I'm torn as whether to back off to 137.5# next week, or give 140# another go and hope for the best. We shall see.
Tomorrow I'll make up today's power cleans and hit the CFWC workout of the day.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
12/18 Why Madame You Are a Daisy
In teams of 2, with a 10:00 running clock complete
3 rounds of:
15 Sumo DL highpulls 95#
20 Wallballs
25 Throwdowns
In remaining time, complete as many burpee box jumps as possible
Score by total burpee box jumps
Did this with CFWC athlete Shawn. Divided the movements pretty much equally and blazed through the 3 rounds in about 3:30. We then did the burpee box jumps (cool, fun movement...well as fun as anything with "burpee" in it can be) 3 at a time and finished the 10:00 with 80 total reps. Good little smoker to open the eyes up on a Saturday morning. It should be noted that Shawn won our most recent Paleo Challenge, dropping about 30# in 6 weeks, and is now officially kicking ass and taking names. Atta boy Shawn
3 rounds of:
15 Sumo DL highpulls 95#
20 Wallballs
25 Throwdowns
In remaining time, complete as many burpee box jumps as possible
Score by total burpee box jumps
Did this with CFWC athlete Shawn. Divided the movements pretty much equally and blazed through the 3 rounds in about 3:30. We then did the burpee box jumps (cool, fun movement...well as fun as anything with "burpee" in it can be) 3 at a time and finished the 10:00 with 80 total reps. Good little smoker to open the eyes up on a Saturday morning. It should be noted that Shawn won our most recent Paleo Challenge, dropping about 30# in 6 weeks, and is now officially kicking ass and taking names. Atta boy Shawn
Friday, December 17, 2010
12/17 What's New Cupcake?
Deadlift 1x5
Weighted ring dip 3x5
For time:
100 Doubleunders
4 Rounds of "Mary"
(5 Handstand pushups
10 Pistols, alternating legs
15 Pullups)
100 Doubleunders
Deadlift was TOUGH! I've pulled 355# for a set of 5 before, but never regripping each rep on the floor to eliminate bounce. Way tougher. Will probably drop to 5# jumps starting next week. Ring dips at 50# weren't bad until the final set. The metcon was a dilly. The DUs took the starch out of me right away, but the rounds of "Mary" were still completely unbroken, just a few deep breaths between movements. The final set of DUs were a different story entirely. Felt like my lungs were crushing. Had to break them up in sets of 10-15 to limp across the finish line in 9:06.
Some team WOD fun in the AM if my legs aren't too ouchy from pistols=)
Deadlift 1x5
Weighted ring dip 3x5
For time:
100 Doubleunders
4 Rounds of "Mary"
(5 Handstand pushups
10 Pistols, alternating legs
15 Pullups)
100 Doubleunders
Deadlift was TOUGH! I've pulled 355# for a set of 5 before, but never regripping each rep on the floor to eliminate bounce. Way tougher. Will probably drop to 5# jumps starting next week. Ring dips at 50# weren't bad until the final set. The metcon was a dilly. The DUs took the starch out of me right away, but the rounds of "Mary" were still completely unbroken, just a few deep breaths between movements. The final set of DUs were a different story entirely. Felt like my lungs were crushing. Had to break them up in sets of 10-15 to limp across the finish line in 9:06.
Some team WOD fun in the AM if my legs aren't too ouchy from pistols=)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
12/16 Dude! Off! Get Off the Couch!
Front squat 3x5
Bench press 3x5
Ring row 3x max reps
No hiccups in the linear progression today. Everything felt good and strong. 225# in the front squat, 205# in the bench press. From week to week the FS has just never really felt any heavier. I mean it's heavy, just that this week's loading didn't seem heavier or harder than last week. Yeah core strength! Ab wheels and GHD situps must be good for you. Bench is getting tough, as is the press (see Monday's post). Will probably have to start microloading with 1.25# plates soon to keep progress on track. Ring rows were a pleasant surprise. Knocked 'em out of the park with 19, 18, and 17 reps.
Tomorrow: deads, weighted ring dips, and conditioning (1st metcon since Saturday, I'm actually going to do it, not just blog about it).
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Who doesn't love tiny little badasses deadlifting stupid heavy weights? Love this pic |
Bench press 3x5
Ring row 3x max reps
No hiccups in the linear progression today. Everything felt good and strong. 225# in the front squat, 205# in the bench press. From week to week the FS has just never really felt any heavier. I mean it's heavy, just that this week's loading didn't seem heavier or harder than last week. Yeah core strength! Ab wheels and GHD situps must be good for you. Bench is getting tough, as is the press (see Monday's post). Will probably have to start microloading with 1.25# plates soon to keep progress on track. Ring rows were a pleasant surprise. Knocked 'em out of the park with 19, 18, and 17 reps.
Tomorrow: deads, weighted ring dips, and conditioning (1st metcon since Saturday, I'm actually going to do it, not just blog about it).
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
12/14 A Big Ol' Belt Buckle
Power clean 5x3
Handstand pushup
Seriously pressed for time today. Managed to stay on course with power cleans at 195# between bouts of busy-ness. Rather than doing max sets of HSPUs today I opted to perform sets of 5-10 throughout the day, a training protocol known as "Greasing the Groove". The idea is to do as many reps of a movement (that gives you trouble) per day without approaching failure. The usual prescription is 50ish% or less of your max set (my max is 19). Probably totaled about 75 reps all told. Bailed on the conditioning, just couldn't find the time.
Rest tomorrow, front squats, bench press, and ring rows on Thursday.
Handstand pushup
Seriously pressed for time today. Managed to stay on course with power cleans at 195# between bouts of busy-ness. Rather than doing max sets of HSPUs today I opted to perform sets of 5-10 throughout the day, a training protocol known as "Greasing the Groove". The idea is to do as many reps of a movement (that gives you trouble) per day without approaching failure. The usual prescription is 50ish% or less of your max set (my max is 19). Probably totaled about 75 reps all told. Bailed on the conditioning, just couldn't find the time.
Rest tomorrow, front squats, bench press, and ring rows on Thursday.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
12/13 All the Stars in All the Skies...
Back squat 3x5
Standing press 3x5
Weighted pullup 3x5
Squatted between coaching the 5:15 and 7:15 classes, then snuck the presses and pullups in while mopping the gym floors. The glamorous life of an affiliate owner. Hit 265# for the squat. Tough, but I can tell there's a lot more in the tank. Could only manage sets of 4 with 140# in the press. Should be able to hit 5s across next week. Pullups weren't terribly difficult at 55#. Power cleans, HSPUs and some conditioning tomorrow.
Standing press 3x5
Weighted pullup 3x5
Squatted between coaching the 5:15 and 7:15 classes, then snuck the presses and pullups in while mopping the gym floors. The glamorous life of an affiliate owner. Hit 265# for the squat. Tough, but I can tell there's a lot more in the tank. Could only manage sets of 4 with 140# in the press. Should be able to hit 5s across next week. Pullups weren't terribly difficult at 55#. Power cleans, HSPUs and some conditioning tomorrow.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
12/11 \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/
For time, in teams of 2: (only one teammate working at a time)
30 Handstand pushups
40 Deadlifts 225#
50 Pullups
60 Wallballs 20#
70 Box jumps 20"
80 Push presses 45#
90 Doubleunders
Teamed up with CFWC she-badass Tammy on this one. We typically do team workouts on Saturday mornings, and most of the time Tammy and I are paired with athletes who need a little help, so this was a nice change of pace. She used 135# in the DL, a 15# wallball, and 35# in the push press. We split the reps more or less equally, though this was not a requirement of the WOD, kept each other fresh, and blazed through it without a hitch. After the last DU the clock read 11:20, about a minute faster than the next group. It should be noted that both of us, and indeed most of the CFWC athletes present, completed this WOD on about 3-4 hours sleep (due to the CFWC ugly sweater holiday party last night, more on that later), making a smoker of a WOD that much more awesome.
Good fun
30 Handstand pushups
40 Deadlifts 225#
50 Pullups
60 Wallballs 20#
70 Box jumps 20"
80 Push presses 45#
90 Doubleunders
Teamed up with CFWC she-badass Tammy on this one. We typically do team workouts on Saturday mornings, and most of the time Tammy and I are paired with athletes who need a little help, so this was a nice change of pace. She used 135# in the DL, a 15# wallball, and 35# in the push press. We split the reps more or less equally, though this was not a requirement of the WOD, kept each other fresh, and blazed through it without a hitch. After the last DU the clock read 11:20, about a minute faster than the next group. It should be noted that both of us, and indeed most of the CFWC athletes present, completed this WOD on about 3-4 hours sleep (due to the CFWC ugly sweater holiday party last night, more on that later), making a smoker of a WOD that much more awesome.
Good fun
Friday, December 10, 2010
12/10 Fingers and Toes
Deadlift 1x5
5 Rounds for time:
10 Sumo DL highpulls 95#
10 Ring dips
345# in the DL. Felt light, which is nice since 335# felt reeeeeally heavy on Saturday. This WOD has been on cf.com a number of times, and I know I've done it at least twice, but the only time I was able to locate was 6:20 on 4/6/09. Did a little better today. 3:10. See crappy, sped up video below. CFWC ugly sweater-themed holiday party tonight. More on that later.
5 Rounds for time:
10 Sumo DL highpulls 95#
10 Ring dips
345# in the DL. Felt light, which is nice since 335# felt reeeeeally heavy on Saturday. This WOD has been on cf.com a number of times, and I know I've done it at least twice, but the only time I was able to locate was 6:20 on 4/6/09. Did a little better today. 3:10. See crappy, sped up video below. CFWC ugly sweater-themed holiday party tonight. More on that later.
12/9 Like a Kiss to the Soul
Front squat 3x5
Bench press 3x5
Ring row 3x max
Ab-wheel rollout 3x8
The weights keep getting heavier. It could be pure perception on my part and/or a growing confidence with heavy weights, but the sets don't really seem to be getting harder, even as the weights go up. I know it won't last forever, but for now I'll take it as an indicator that I'm on the right track. Front squat weight was 220#, Bench press 200#. Ring rows (again, below parallel, rings set 1' above the box) went 17, 16, 16.
Heavy deadlifts and a dilly of a metcon in the morning.
Bench press 3x5
Ring row 3x max
Ab-wheel rollout 3x8
The weights keep getting heavier. It could be pure perception on my part and/or a growing confidence with heavy weights, but the sets don't really seem to be getting harder, even as the weights go up. I know it won't last forever, but for now I'll take it as an indicator that I'm on the right track. Front squat weight was 220#, Bench press 200#. Ring rows (again, below parallel, rings set 1' above the box) went 17, 16, 16.
Heavy deadlifts and a dilly of a metcon in the morning.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
12/6 and 12/7 Mmmmmmmmgrrrr...
Back squat 3x5
Press 3x5
Power clean 5x3
Weighted ring dip 3x5
Weighted ring pullup 3x5
So, my 5-year old's birthday festivities Thursday and Friday, and the awesome stomach bug that ripped through my household this weekend, threw a bit of a wrench in the works as far as training goes. I only slept about 2 and a half hours Friday night and not much more than that Saturday night. Sunday I felt like complete hell. I managed to dodge the puke bullet but I just wasn't right. Achy, cold, lack of appetite, exhausted obviously. A couple of ibuprofen, which I do not like to take, and a sensational good night's sleep, had me feeling like a new man Monday morning. All the same, I thought it prudent to ease back into the training game. Hence, only the one movement, back squats. Much to my surprise, the weight went up pretty easy, despite the weekend. 260# for sets across.
I decided to consolidate the important strength lifts that I missed Friday, Saturday and Monday into today's training, in an effort to get back on schedule. All went well, so I'm satisfied that I've checked the proper box. In the morning I hit 135# in the press, which may be a PR for 3 sets of 5. In the evening, did 5 sets of 3 in the power clean at 190#. The heel is finally good to go and the oly shoes are back on. This makes Johnny a happy monkey. Did the ring dips and pullups in superset fashion. 45# in the RD, 50# in the PU.
Rest tomorrow. Front squats, bench press and ring rows on Thursday. DL and conditioning on Friday.
Back squat 3x5
Press 3x5
Power clean 5x3
Weighted ring dip 3x5
Weighted ring pullup 3x5
So, my 5-year old's birthday festivities Thursday and Friday, and the awesome stomach bug that ripped through my household this weekend, threw a bit of a wrench in the works as far as training goes. I only slept about 2 and a half hours Friday night and not much more than that Saturday night. Sunday I felt like complete hell. I managed to dodge the puke bullet but I just wasn't right. Achy, cold, lack of appetite, exhausted obviously. A couple of ibuprofen, which I do not like to take, and a sensational good night's sleep, had me feeling like a new man Monday morning. All the same, I thought it prudent to ease back into the training game. Hence, only the one movement, back squats. Much to my surprise, the weight went up pretty easy, despite the weekend. 260# for sets across.
I decided to consolidate the important strength lifts that I missed Friday, Saturday and Monday into today's training, in an effort to get back on schedule. All went well, so I'm satisfied that I've checked the proper box. In the morning I hit 135# in the press, which may be a PR for 3 sets of 5. In the evening, did 5 sets of 3 in the power clean at 190#. The heel is finally good to go and the oly shoes are back on. This makes Johnny a happy monkey. Did the ring dips and pullups in superset fashion. 45# in the RD, 50# in the PU.
Rest tomorrow. Front squats, bench press and ring rows on Thursday. DL and conditioning on Friday.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
12/4 Mmmmmm...Raspberry Cheesecake
Front squat 3x5
Bench press 3x5
Was awakened at 2am by my 7 year-old, who was chucking his little guts out, and continued to do so into the morning. Been up since. But I love running the steam cleaner, so that's nice. And sleep's overated anyway. 215# in the FS, 195# in the BP, and 335# in the DL.
More later
Bench press 3x5
Was awakened at 2am by my 7 year-old, who was chucking his little guts out, and continued to do so into the morning. Been up since. But I love running the steam cleaner, so that's nice. And sleep's overated anyway. 215# in the FS, 195# in the BP, and 335# in the DL.
More later
Thursday, December 2, 2010
11/30 & 12/1 Rainbows and Butterflies
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My baby boy is 5 today! Happy Birthday Doodle! |
Power clean 5x3
Handstand pushup 3x max reps
The sore heel is finally showing some marked improvement, to the point that I've graduated from running shoes to Chuck Taylors. Could be back in my oly shoes soon, which I'm looking forward to. Used 185# for sets across in the power clean. HSPU numbers weren't great, still an enigma, sometimes really good, other times so-so. 15, 14, and a real bitch of a 13. We had a dilly of a metcon planned for Wednesday and I wanted to do it with the group, so I decided to forgo the conditioning today. Which brings us to...
For time:
12 Deadlifts 275#/ 40 Wallballs 20#
9 DLs/ 30 WBs
6 DLs/ 20 WBs
3 DLs/ 10 WBs
This was from last years Alabama sectional, which was won by eventual CrossFit Games 2nd place finisher Rich Froning. Rich's time was 5:43. The DLs felt unusually light, not that I'm complaining, and were unbroken for the entire WOD, though just barely. Wallballs were tough, but I managed to never take more than a 2-3 breath break at a time. When it was all said and done the clock read 5:50, which would have been good for 3rd place in this event. This is somewhat skewed, as this was the 2nd WOD of the day for the sectional competitors, and I was fresh. Also, I was able to set up my barbell right next to my wallball station, thus reducing transition time to virtually nil. Still, I'm happy with the effort, and also some feedback that my current training appears to be on track. Resting today, as I'm pretty gosh darned tired and sore. Back at it tomorrow. Front squats, bench and ring rows.
Monday, November 29, 2010
11/29 Goodness Gracious!!!
Back squat 3x5
Standing press 3x5
Weighted pullup 3x5
Not much of note today, the usual Monday strength grind. Everything's progressing nicely: back squat at 255#, press (finally on track) at 130#, and pullups at 45#, all for 3 sets of 5 across. Power cleans and handstand pushup variations tomorrow. Some conditioning too.
Standing press 3x5
Weighted pullup 3x5
Not much of note today, the usual Monday strength grind. Everything's progressing nicely: back squat at 255#, press (finally on track) at 130#, and pullups at 45#, all for 3 sets of 5 across. Power cleans and handstand pushup variations tomorrow. Some conditioning too.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
11/27 Stepbrothers and Applejacks
50-40-30-20-10 for time:
6:07. Not my best. Two flippin' seconds off my PR of 6:05. The fact that doubleunders were broken just once, and situps just twice makes this particularly vexxing. Not happy, and worse, not sure how to improve this. Early this week I intend to give "Elizabeth" a go. Maybe that'll wash the bad taste out of my mouth.
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Rope climbs kill shoes |
50-40-30-20-10 for time:
6:07. Not my best. Two flippin' seconds off my PR of 6:05. The fact that doubleunders were broken just once, and situps just twice makes this particularly vexxing. Not happy, and worse, not sure how to improve this. Early this week I intend to give "Elizabeth" a go. Maybe that'll wash the bad taste out of my mouth.
Friday, November 26, 2010
11/26 Shazam!!!
Deadlift 1x5
Weighted ring dip 3x5
4 Rounds for time:
6 Handstand pushups
2 Rope climbs 15'
12 Back extensions
Good to be back in the ClubHouse after yesterday's nutritional debauchery. Yesterday I sat and ate for a solid two hours before staggering from the table, unbuckling my belt, and attempting to stay awake for another three hours of football. Funny how a few pounds of turkey, more starch than I've had in a month, and a glass or three of a tasty chiraz will droop your eyelids. This morning my knees were feeling the gluten and my head was feeling the chiraz. Nothing like deadlifts and a little gut-wrenching metcon to get the blood flowing and shake out the cobwebs.
Went up 10# in the dead to 325#, again lifting and lowering slowly and deliberately, and regripping at the bottom to avoid any bounce. Ring dips went up 5# to an even 40. The metcon was fun. HSPUs were unbroken until the final 2 reps. The rope climbs went well also, though my grip and biceps were fatiguing badly by the last round. Had to slow them down a bit in the interest of safety. Also managed to completely destroy an old running shoe on the descent, to the point that I was starting to feel the heat from the friction of the rope on the bottom of my foot. I threw the back extensions in just to get a bit more low back and hamstring volume in for the week. These were unbroken. Naturally.
Kirsten, a CrossFitter from St. Louis, dropped in to work out with the 10:30 group. Super sweet gal with nothing but glowing things to say about the box and our community of athletes and trainers. Great meeting you Kirsten. Hope we see you again soon.
Afterward, I got an hour and a half of soft tissue work from Tina, our resident massage therapist. Like a little miracle. Left shoulder's feeling good and my sore heel's feeling the best it has in weeks. Helluva good morning.
Weighted ring dip 3x5
4 Rounds for time:
6 Handstand pushups
2 Rope climbs 15'
12 Back extensions
Good to be back in the ClubHouse after yesterday's nutritional debauchery. Yesterday I sat and ate for a solid two hours before staggering from the table, unbuckling my belt, and attempting to stay awake for another three hours of football. Funny how a few pounds of turkey, more starch than I've had in a month, and a glass or three of a tasty chiraz will droop your eyelids. This morning my knees were feeling the gluten and my head was feeling the chiraz. Nothing like deadlifts and a little gut-wrenching metcon to get the blood flowing and shake out the cobwebs.
Went up 10# in the dead to 325#, again lifting and lowering slowly and deliberately, and regripping at the bottom to avoid any bounce. Ring dips went up 5# to an even 40. The metcon was fun. HSPUs were unbroken until the final 2 reps. The rope climbs went well also, though my grip and biceps were fatiguing badly by the last round. Had to slow them down a bit in the interest of safety. Also managed to completely destroy an old running shoe on the descent, to the point that I was starting to feel the heat from the friction of the rope on the bottom of my foot. I threw the back extensions in just to get a bit more low back and hamstring volume in for the week. These were unbroken. Naturally.
Kirsten, a CrossFitter from St. Louis, dropped in to work out with the 10:30 group. Super sweet gal with nothing but glowing things to say about the box and our community of athletes and trainers. Great meeting you Kirsten. Hope we see you again soon.
Afterward, I got an hour and a half of soft tissue work from Tina, our resident massage therapist. Like a little miracle. Left shoulder's feeling good and my sore heel's feeling the best it has in weeks. Helluva good morning.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
11/25 Thanksgiving
Front squat 3x5
Bench press 3x5
Ring row 3x max reps
A Happy Thanksgiving to all my brothers and sisters out there in CrossFit nation. I'm thankful for a lot of things and a lot of people. I'll not go into details or I'd be here for a week.
Front squats and bench presses are progressing just like they should be. 210# in the FS, 190# in the BP, for sets across. I've become bored with strict pullups so I decided on ring rows today. I set the height of the rings about 12" above the pads of my GHD, which I rested my feet on. Reps went 16, 15, 14.
Deadlifts, weighted ring dips, and some conditioning tomorrow. Oh, and some soft tissue work with Tina. Yesssssssss...
Bench press 3x5
Ring row 3x max reps
A Happy Thanksgiving to all my brothers and sisters out there in CrossFit nation. I'm thankful for a lot of things and a lot of people. I'll not go into details or I'd be here for a week.
Front squats and bench presses are progressing just like they should be. 210# in the FS, 190# in the BP, for sets across. I've become bored with strict pullups so I decided on ring rows today. I set the height of the rings about 12" above the pads of my GHD, which I rested my feet on. Reps went 16, 15, 14.
Deadlifts, weighted ring dips, and some conditioning tomorrow. Oh, and some soft tissue work with Tina. Yesssssssss...
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
11/23 That's My Nut F**ker!!!
Power clean 5x3
Ring dips, strict 3x max reps
3 Rounds for time:
50 Doubleunders
10 C2B pullups
10 Clapping pushups
Hit this little dilly around 8:30pm at the ClubHouse with Rick, one of our members. My hopes weren't high, as sleep was crap again last night. The bruised heel was feeling a little better, not to the point that I'm able to use my oly shoes, but good enough to add a little weight in the power clean from last week. Warmed up with 135 and 155# and hit the sets across with 175#. Kept the weight moving fast and form was good. Ring dips went 13, 11, 14. Need to warm up better before these. For the 2nd week in a row, my best set was the last. In the WOD, I had my sights set on sub-5:00. I finished the 1st round completely unbroken, picked up my jumprope, and my forearms were just screamin'. Last 2 sets of doubleunders were badly broken into 10s and 20s, though the pullups weren't really a challenge. I dropped off the pullup bar in the 3rd round at 4:51 and limped through the final set of pushups to finish in 5:38. It never fails to amaze me how doubleunders can wreck the movements that proceed them. I've heard some (who most likely struggle with the movement, if they've even tried) say that they're just a skill, and don't offer much benefit over plain ol' jumping rope. WRONG. Totally different movement, with far greater demands on the shoulders, core, grip, lungs, and concentration.
Rest tomorrow.
Ring dips, strict 3x max reps
3 Rounds for time:
50 Doubleunders
10 C2B pullups
10 Clapping pushups
Hit this little dilly around 8:30pm at the ClubHouse with Rick, one of our members. My hopes weren't high, as sleep was crap again last night. The bruised heel was feeling a little better, not to the point that I'm able to use my oly shoes, but good enough to add a little weight in the power clean from last week. Warmed up with 135 and 155# and hit the sets across with 175#. Kept the weight moving fast and form was good. Ring dips went 13, 11, 14. Need to warm up better before these. For the 2nd week in a row, my best set was the last. In the WOD, I had my sights set on sub-5:00. I finished the 1st round completely unbroken, picked up my jumprope, and my forearms were just screamin'. Last 2 sets of doubleunders were badly broken into 10s and 20s, though the pullups weren't really a challenge. I dropped off the pullup bar in the 3rd round at 4:51 and limped through the final set of pushups to finish in 5:38. It never fails to amaze me how doubleunders can wreck the movements that proceed them. I've heard some (who most likely struggle with the movement, if they've even tried) say that they're just a skill, and don't offer much benefit over plain ol' jumping rope. WRONG. Totally different movement, with far greater demands on the shoulders, core, grip, lungs, and concentration.
Rest tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
11/22 Cherry Passion
Back squat 3x5
Standing press 3x5
Weighted pullup 3x5
Nothing too exciting here. A troubling issue had me up much of the night. Was unable to clear my head, much less find recuperative sleep, so energy was pretty shitty overall for most of the day. Stuck with 250# in the squat since last week was such a crusher. Felt much, much lighter today. Also of note, I've started to use my oly shoes for back squats, which I've never done in the past, as well as using a lifting belt for my heaviest sets, something I haven't done since college. Some argue that the use of a belt limits development of the core, but I would disagree. I believe I have a very strong core to begin with, do lots of extra core work on top of the major lifts, and have recently read a couple of excellent articles highlighting the advantages of their use from both Westside Barbell and Justin over at '70s Big. Worth checking out if you care to search for it. Still trying to find the ideal starting weight in the press. Last week went 135, 115, 125#, so I'd hoped 130# would work out for all 3 sets across. My left shoulder had other plans. Ended up going 130, 125, 125#. Maybe next week. Weighted pullups went well, pretty easy at 40#. I do these strict, on rings, starting in a pronated grip, finishing in a supinated grip.
Hopefully get some work done this week on my shoulder and still-troublesome bruised heel. We have an excellent sports massage therapist at CFWC who is also a L1 certified trainer. More on that later.
Standing press 3x5
Weighted pullup 3x5
Nothing too exciting here. A troubling issue had me up much of the night. Was unable to clear my head, much less find recuperative sleep, so energy was pretty shitty overall for most of the day. Stuck with 250# in the squat since last week was such a crusher. Felt much, much lighter today. Also of note, I've started to use my oly shoes for back squats, which I've never done in the past, as well as using a lifting belt for my heaviest sets, something I haven't done since college. Some argue that the use of a belt limits development of the core, but I would disagree. I believe I have a very strong core to begin with, do lots of extra core work on top of the major lifts, and have recently read a couple of excellent articles highlighting the advantages of their use from both Westside Barbell and Justin over at '70s Big. Worth checking out if you care to search for it. Still trying to find the ideal starting weight in the press. Last week went 135, 115, 125#, so I'd hoped 130# would work out for all 3 sets across. My left shoulder had other plans. Ended up going 130, 125, 125#. Maybe next week. Weighted pullups went well, pretty easy at 40#. I do these strict, on rings, starting in a pronated grip, finishing in a supinated grip.
Hopefully get some work done this week on my shoulder and still-troublesome bruised heel. We have an excellent sports massage therapist at CFWC who is also a L1 certified trainer. More on that later.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
11/20 Whispers and Giggles
Complete as many rounds as possible in 8:00:
4 Handstand pushups
8 American kettlebell swings 70# (scaled up from 53#)
12 Anchored situps
Wrapped up our latest Paleo Challenge at CFWC this morning. This was the benchmark WOD for the challenge and I was able to jump in with the group. This is the 3rd iteration of this WOD (which is a scaled version of one from the '09 CrossFit Games) I've performed. The 1st was with 70# and GHD situps (6 rounds and change), the 2nd, at the Paleo Challenge kick-off (9 rounds and change on 9/11) with 53# and like today, anchored situps. Today, I managed 8 rounds+12. HSPUs weren't bad, situps were fast, but as usual, that bigass kettlebell was just a bitch. Breaks my heart every time. The next natural step, of course, is to do the full, unscaled CFG version: parallette HSPUs, 70# KBSs, and GHD situps. Have to give it a go in the next few weeks.
4 Handstand pushups
8 American kettlebell swings 70# (scaled up from 53#)
12 Anchored situps
Wrapped up our latest Paleo Challenge at CFWC this morning. This was the benchmark WOD for the challenge and I was able to jump in with the group. This is the 3rd iteration of this WOD (which is a scaled version of one from the '09 CrossFit Games) I've performed. The 1st was with 70# and GHD situps (6 rounds and change), the 2nd, at the Paleo Challenge kick-off (9 rounds and change on 9/11) with 53# and like today, anchored situps. Today, I managed 8 rounds+12. HSPUs weren't bad, situps were fast, but as usual, that bigass kettlebell was just a bitch. Breaks my heart every time. The next natural step, of course, is to do the full, unscaled CFG version: parallette HSPUs, 70# KBSs, and GHD situps. Have to give it a go in the next few weeks.
Friday, November 19, 2010
11/19 I was just about to...OOPS!
Weighted ring dip 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
I have no idea what my max in the ring dip is, so I rolled with 35#. That's what I started the pullup with earlier in the week, and I know from experience that my pullup and dip numbers are similar. Not too bad, a good weight to start with. For the deadlift I used a bit over 80% of 1RM, 315#. Lifted the weight very deliberately to avoid bouncing and to build tension. Re-gripped the bar between each rep, which made it way tougher.
Maybe some conditioning in the evening but probably not. My abs are still crushed from the sledgehammer extravaganza on Tuesday. Definitely some conditioning tomorrow.
Deadlift 1x5
I have no idea what my max in the ring dip is, so I rolled with 35#. That's what I started the pullup with earlier in the week, and I know from experience that my pullup and dip numbers are similar. Not too bad, a good weight to start with. For the deadlift I used a bit over 80% of 1RM, 315#. Lifted the weight very deliberately to avoid bouncing and to build tension. Re-gripped the bar between each rep, which made it way tougher.
Maybe some conditioning in the evening but probably not. My abs are still crushed from the sledgehammer extravaganza on Tuesday. Definitely some conditioning tomorrow.
11/18 Like Screaming at a Tree
Front squat 3x5
Bench press 3x5
Pullup 3x max reps, strict
Continued the 1st week of sets across with front squats and bench presses. Again, with 75% of 1RM, which broke down to 205# in the front squat and 185# in the bench. Front squat sucked but they always suck=). Bench press was with a close grip, hands just outside the smooth part of the bar. Weights were just about right on both. The pullups were the toughest part of the session. It's just a mental grind to hold on to that bar and churn out rep after sloooooow rep. Sets went 15, 14, 11.
Deadlifts and heavy ring dips tomorrow. Maybe some conditioning.
Bench press 3x5
Pullup 3x max reps, strict
Continued the 1st week of sets across with front squats and bench presses. Again, with 75% of 1RM, which broke down to 205# in the front squat and 185# in the bench. Front squat sucked but they always suck=). Bench press was with a close grip, hands just outside the smooth part of the bar. Weights were just about right on both. The pullups were the toughest part of the session. It's just a mental grind to hold on to that bar and churn out rep after sloooooow rep. Sets went 15, 14, 11.
Deadlifts and heavy ring dips tomorrow. Maybe some conditioning.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
11/16 Hookgrips and Tictacs
Power clean 5x3Ring dip 3x max reps
For time:
![]() |
CFWC: No shirt, no shoes, no problem |
21 Sledgehammer strikes (21R/21L) 12#
5 Tire flips
15 Sledgehammer strikes (15R/15L) 8#
5 Tire flips
9 Sledgehammer strikes (9R/9L) 12#
5 Tire flips
Still dealing with the bruised heel. Due to this, I had to wear running shoes and go fairly light on the power cleans. Weightlifting shoes, my preference for most movements these days, would've only exacerbated the injury. Used 155# and kept the heel stomping to a minimum. Felt OK. The weight moved fast at any rate. The ring dips were unweighted, strict with no kip and a full, deep range of motion. My biceps touched the rings at the bottom and elbows were locked out fully at the top. Numbers went 12, 11, 15. Don't know where the 15 came from. Must not have been fully warmed up for the 1st two sets.
Hit a quick and dirty metcon after coaching the 6:15. Don't know how heavy our tractor tire is. Suffice to say it's HEAVY. Feels a lot like 275-300# in the DL. Finished unbroken in 3:15 and then sucked serious wind for a good 5 minutes after. The nice thing about tire flips is when you're done, there's a nice comfy place to sit.
My training template for the foreseeable future will look like this:
M: Back squat 3x5, press 3x5, weighted pullup 3x5
T: Power clean 5x3, ring dip, unweighted 3x max reps, conditioning
W: Rest
Th: Front squat 3x5, bench press 3x5, pullup, unweighted 3x max reps
F: Deadlift 1x5, weighted ring dip 3x5, conditioning
Sa: Conditioning
Notes: 3x5 means 3 sets of 5 reps, at the same weight for all 3 sets. Loading increases 5-10# per week, depending on the movement. I'm starting the loading at about 65-75% of 1RM. Ring dips will occasionally be replaced by HSPUs on Tuesday, likely with extended range of motion. Conditioning could consist of the CFWC WOD, CrossFit Endurance, or whatever bitch of a weakness I feel needs to be addressed that week. Rowing and/or running could figure heavily into the equation.
11/15 Cupcakes and Lollipops
Back squat 3x5
Standing press 3x5
Weighted pullup 3x5
Found a little time to squeek in some strength work between classes. Decided to use sets across to get a bit more volume. I tend to gain strength faster when strength gains are accompanied by hypertrophy, or muscle gain. This was the case for me last winter during the best cycle of my life. So, back to the basics. Squat, push, pull. Doesn't get any more basic. Used 250# in the squat, 125# in the press, 35# in the pullup. Squats were a bit ambitious, given what a wimp I am about squatting. Will use this weight again next week. Presses and pullups were about right, if not a bit on the light side. Looking forward to some big gains on this programming again.
Standing press 3x5
Weighted pullup 3x5
Found a little time to squeek in some strength work between classes. Decided to use sets across to get a bit more volume. I tend to gain strength faster when strength gains are accompanied by hypertrophy, or muscle gain. This was the case for me last winter during the best cycle of my life. So, back to the basics. Squat, push, pull. Doesn't get any more basic. Used 250# in the squat, 125# in the press, 35# in the pullup. Squats were a bit ambitious, given what a wimp I am about squatting. Will use this weight again next week. Presses and pullups were about right, if not a bit on the light side. Looking forward to some big gains on this programming again.
11/13 Fundraiser for St. Judes at CFNA
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:
30 Jump-and-touches, 18" above reach
12 Burpees
2 Seated tire drags (55#), 20'
12 Broad jumps, 6' minimum
CFWC divided forces this morning, CK escorting a group to the Gobble Hobble 10K run, while I ran the usual 9am WOD and then took a small group over to CrossFit of Naperville for a fundraiser benefitting St. Judes Children's Hospital. In all, Jake, Bob, Tina, Randall, Randall's parents, and I made the short trip over to CFNA. Bob had decided beforehand to compete in the WOD, while the others were going to donate and lend support to a great cause. I was less than enthused about the WOD, as I'm nursing a bruised heel, and essentially jumping for 15 minutes did not seem like the best therapy for such a malady. But, as everyone said would happen (rolling their eyes, I might add), as soon as I entered the facility and felt the competitive energy, the gauntlet was cast.
Unfortunately, Jake, Randall, and his folks had to bounce before Bob's and my heat came up, but Tina stayed to cheer us on and keep score for us. My hope was for 7 rounds, as the best score to that point was 6. Our heat was full of TALL guys. Read: good at jumping. So I tried to do what I always do: set a blistering pace and dare everyone else to keep up.
The burpees, as one should have expected, slowed things way down after a few rounds. The tire pull was a cool, different movement that I enjoyed. Unfortunately, completing only 2 of them wasn't enough recovery from the jumping movements to keep a high pace, nor was it enough to allow someone strong in that movement to distance themselves from the tall jumpy guys. The broad jumps weren't particularly taxing, but were a slow movement (jump, turn around, jump, turn around...), and they weren't kind to my sore heel. When all was said and done, I'd completed 6 rounds, 30 jump-and-touches, and 1 stinkin' burpee, which was good enough for 1st place, though not by much. Bob gave it hell and came in just a bit behind that. More importantly, we had both decided before the WOD that we would hold ourselves to the strictest standards of range-of-motion, as is customary at CFWC. We both walked away knowing that every rep we performed was legit.
Afterward, the 3 of us enjoyed some unPaleo treats from Buffalo Wild Wings, one of the fundraiser's sponsors, and a few adult beverages, soaking up the CF community love.
Our group over at the Gobble Hobble repped CFWC in solid fashion as well, turning in a number of 50ish minute 10Ks in decidedly less than ideal weather (cold, rainy and overall shitty). Details on that can be found at crossfitwillcounty.com
Not a bad day
30 Jump-and-touches, 18" above reach
12 Burpees
2 Seated tire drags (55#), 20'
12 Broad jumps, 6' minimum
CFWC divided forces this morning, CK escorting a group to the Gobble Hobble 10K run, while I ran the usual 9am WOD and then took a small group over to CrossFit of Naperville for a fundraiser benefitting St. Judes Children's Hospital. In all, Jake, Bob, Tina, Randall, Randall's parents, and I made the short trip over to CFNA. Bob had decided beforehand to compete in the WOD, while the others were going to donate and lend support to a great cause. I was less than enthused about the WOD, as I'm nursing a bruised heel, and essentially jumping for 15 minutes did not seem like the best therapy for such a malady. But, as everyone said would happen (rolling their eyes, I might add), as soon as I entered the facility and felt the competitive energy, the gauntlet was cast.
Unfortunately, Jake, Randall, and his folks had to bounce before Bob's and my heat came up, but Tina stayed to cheer us on and keep score for us. My hope was for 7 rounds, as the best score to that point was 6. Our heat was full of TALL guys. Read: good at jumping. So I tried to do what I always do: set a blistering pace and dare everyone else to keep up.
The burpees, as one should have expected, slowed things way down after a few rounds. The tire pull was a cool, different movement that I enjoyed. Unfortunately, completing only 2 of them wasn't enough recovery from the jumping movements to keep a high pace, nor was it enough to allow someone strong in that movement to distance themselves from the tall jumpy guys. The broad jumps weren't particularly taxing, but were a slow movement (jump, turn around, jump, turn around...), and they weren't kind to my sore heel. When all was said and done, I'd completed 6 rounds, 30 jump-and-touches, and 1 stinkin' burpee, which was good enough for 1st place, though not by much. Bob gave it hell and came in just a bit behind that. More importantly, we had both decided before the WOD that we would hold ourselves to the strictest standards of range-of-motion, as is customary at CFWC. We both walked away knowing that every rep we performed was legit.
Afterward, the 3 of us enjoyed some unPaleo treats from Buffalo Wild Wings, one of the fundraiser's sponsors, and a few adult beverages, soaking up the CF community love.
Our group over at the Gobble Hobble repped CFWC in solid fashion as well, turning in a number of 50ish minute 10Ks in decidedly less than ideal weather (cold, rainy and overall shitty). Details on that can be found at crossfitwillcounty.com
Not a bad day
Thursday, November 11, 2010
11/10 :O :O :O
3 Rounds for time:
30 American kettlebell swings 55#
25 Wallballs 20#
20 Pullups
Hadn't seen a time on the board below 12:00 for this. I really thought when I programmed it that 10:00 was doable by much of our membership. So I gave it a go. Kettlebell swings weren't too bad. Grip became an issue later in the WOD. Pullups were fine as well; managed all 3 sets without coming off the bar. Wallballs, however were a different story. First set was unbroken, but it just got ugly from there. The plan was 3:00 per round, for a time of 9ish minutes, but the wheels just fell off the cart with the wallballs. When it was all said and done the clock read 9:38. Not too bad but not sensational either. Lots of work to do.
30 American kettlebell swings 55#
25 Wallballs 20#
20 Pullups
Hadn't seen a time on the board below 12:00 for this. I really thought when I programmed it that 10:00 was doable by much of our membership. So I gave it a go. Kettlebell swings weren't too bad. Grip became an issue later in the WOD. Pullups were fine as well; managed all 3 sets without coming off the bar. Wallballs, however were a different story. First set was unbroken, but it just got ugly from there. The plan was 3:00 per round, for a time of 9ish minutes, but the wheels just fell off the cart with the wallballs. When it was all said and done the clock read 9:38. Not too bad but not sensational either. Lots of work to do.
11/8 !!! !!! !!!
DE Standing press 8x3 on the minute, 50%1RM
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:
5 Burpees
7 C2B Pullups
Used 85# in the press. Focused on full body tensioning which increased the speed of the bar dramatically.
For the WOD, I used a pair of 25# bumpers under my hands to increase the range of motion in the HSPU. This slowed the whole operation way down. I was on pace for 10-11 rounds after 3 but the HSPUs caught up with me in a major way. Was fortunate to walk away with 7 full rounds plus 3 HSPUs. Yesss! Yet another glaring weakness to focus on.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:
5 Burpees
7 C2B Pullups
Used 85# in the press. Focused on full body tensioning which increased the speed of the bar dramatically.
For the WOD, I used a pair of 25# bumpers under my hands to increase the range of motion in the HSPU. This slowed the whole operation way down. I was on pace for 10-11 rounds after 3 but the HSPUs caught up with me in a major way. Was fortunate to walk away with 7 full rounds plus 3 HSPUs. Yesss! Yet another glaring weakness to focus on.
Friday, November 5, 2010
11/4-11/5 Catch Up (Ketchup?)
Max effort bench press 5-2-2-1-1-1
The 3 reps over 90%1RM were 225, 235, 240#. 240 was a modest 5# PR. Skipped the assistance work because I knew what today's WOD was and I wanted to hit it in the morning with the 9:30 crew. Which brings us to...
"The Air Force WOD"
For time: (with 95# barbell)
20 Thrusters
20 Push jerks
20 OHSs
20 Front squats
*Every minute on the minute (including the 1st minute) perform 4 burpees
This was WOD 1 from the CrossFit Games Midwest Sectional Qualifier from last year. The one I should have entered and regretfully didn't. Unfortunately, as much as I was looking forward to doing this WOD and seeing how I might have faired, I woke up feeling pretty gosh darned crappy. My little boys have had me up the past 2 nights and something I ate yesterday didn't quite agree with me. But you just never know so I rolled into the Clubhouse to give it hell anyway. Got through the thrusters and a handful of SDLHPs in the 1st minute, the remainder of the SDLHPs and a few push jerks in the 2nd, the rest of the push jerks and 3 OHSs in the 3rd, and then the wheels fell off the cart. The OHSs were slowwwww...Up to this point I'd been on pace for my goal of a sub-5:00 time. Shoulders were smoked and the legs were starting to feel Wednesday's triple dilly all over again. Thankfully, I was still able to nearly finish the OHSs before the minute was up, leaving only 3 OHSs and the 20 front squats to finish in the 6th minute. And I needed every second. Just as CK was about to call for burpees I finished my last front squat and called time. 5:57 was about a minute slower than I'd hoped for but it would have been good enough for 7th place at the sectional. Which is nice to know on a day when you're not your best. I was wrecked pretty good afterward, but felt much better after staring at the bottom of the puke bucket for a few minutes=)
Hopefully I'll have time a little later to squeeze in DE deadlifts in the garage, and stay on schedule with the Westside template.
Max effort bench press 5-2-2-1-1-1
The 3 reps over 90%1RM were 225, 235, 240#. 240 was a modest 5# PR. Skipped the assistance work because I knew what today's WOD was and I wanted to hit it in the morning with the 9:30 crew. Which brings us to...
"The Air Force WOD"
For time: (with 95# barbell)
20 Thrusters
20 Push jerks
20 OHSs
20 Front squats
*Every minute on the minute (including the 1st minute) perform 4 burpees
This was WOD 1 from the CrossFit Games Midwest Sectional Qualifier from last year. The one I should have entered and regretfully didn't. Unfortunately, as much as I was looking forward to doing this WOD and seeing how I might have faired, I woke up feeling pretty gosh darned crappy. My little boys have had me up the past 2 nights and something I ate yesterday didn't quite agree with me. But you just never know so I rolled into the Clubhouse to give it hell anyway. Got through the thrusters and a handful of SDLHPs in the 1st minute, the remainder of the SDLHPs and a few push jerks in the 2nd, the rest of the push jerks and 3 OHSs in the 3rd, and then the wheels fell off the cart. The OHSs were slowwwww...Up to this point I'd been on pace for my goal of a sub-5:00 time. Shoulders were smoked and the legs were starting to feel Wednesday's triple dilly all over again. Thankfully, I was still able to nearly finish the OHSs before the minute was up, leaving only 3 OHSs and the 20 front squats to finish in the 6th minute. And I needed every second. Just as CK was about to call for burpees I finished my last front squat and called time. 5:57 was about a minute slower than I'd hoped for but it would have been good enough for 7th place at the sectional. Which is nice to know on a day when you're not your best. I was wrecked pretty good afterward, but felt much better after staring at the bottom of the puke bucket for a few minutes=)
Hopefully I'll have time a little later to squeeze in DE deadlifts in the garage, and stay on schedule with the Westside template.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
11/3 Klibbus!!!
Triple dilly today
A. 12-9-6 for time:
Row (cals)
Thruster 95#
B. 12-9-6 for time:
Deadlift 225#
C. 12-9-6 for time:
Hang power clean 95#
C2B Pullup
Worked out with the 7:15 group. Wasn't sure I was going to, but Jenny's brother Ryan was there (stud), so I thought I'd give it a holler. After WOD A (2:30) my legs pooled up with lactic acid from yesterday's ME lower body work, which was super pleasant. WOD B (2:08) felt slow but was unbroken. In WOD C (2:14), the power cleans were easy and fast. Was able to muscle clean each rep. The C2B pullups were another story. Usually a big strength for me, every set was broken, the 2nd two badly. What wasn't apparent at the outset of the WOD was that each couplet had a significant pulling element and grip requirement. Of course, it all added up at the end. I'm thankful that I opted to row 1st rather than last which was my 1st choice. Afterward my head pounded every time I attempted to stand, for at least 20 minutes. Probably atributable to undereating during the day. Good, brutal, burner of a WOD.
A. 12-9-6 for time:
Row (cals)
Thruster 95#
B. 12-9-6 for time:
Deadlift 225#
C. 12-9-6 for time:
Hang power clean 95#
C2B Pullup
Worked out with the 7:15 group. Wasn't sure I was going to, but Jenny's brother Ryan was there (stud), so I thought I'd give it a holler. After WOD A (2:30) my legs pooled up with lactic acid from yesterday's ME lower body work, which was super pleasant. WOD B (2:08) felt slow but was unbroken. In WOD C (2:14), the power cleans were easy and fast. Was able to muscle clean each rep. The C2B pullups were another story. Usually a big strength for me, every set was broken, the 2nd two badly. What wasn't apparent at the outset of the WOD was that each couplet had a significant pulling element and grip requirement. Of course, it all added up at the end. I'm thankful that I opted to row 1st rather than last which was my 1st choice. Afterward my head pounded every time I attempted to stand, for at least 20 minutes. Probably atributable to undereating during the day. Good, brutal, burner of a WOD.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
11/2 DE Bench/ME Dead
DE Close-grip bench press 12x2, 45s rest
Skull crushers 10-10-10
Ring row 12-12-12
ME Deadlift 5-3-2-2-1-1-1
Weighted hip extension 10-10-10
Glute-ham situp 20-20-20
Had to double up today since I was lazy yesterday. Used 155# in the bench, 45# for the 'crushers, and did the ring rows on a box approximately 12" below the bottom of the rings. Stopped sets when I could no longer pull the rings to my chest.
After coaching in the evening I hit the deadlifts. 90% of my 1RM in the deadlift is 345#. The goal was 3 reps at or above that poundage. Weights for final 3 singles were 345-365-375#. Used a 25# plate for the hip extensions. All GHD situps were unbroken.
May rest tomorrow, may hit a quick metcon.
DE Close-grip bench press 12x2, 45s rest
Skull crushers 10-10-10
Ring row 12-12-12
ME Deadlift 5-3-2-2-1-1-1
Weighted hip extension 10-10-10
Glute-ham situp 20-20-20
Had to double up today since I was lazy yesterday. Used 155# in the bench, 45# for the 'crushers, and did the ring rows on a box approximately 12" below the bottom of the rings. Stopped sets when I could no longer pull the rings to my chest.
After coaching in the evening I hit the deadlifts. 90% of my 1RM in the deadlift is 345#. The goal was 3 reps at or above that poundage. Weights for final 3 singles were 345-365-375#. Used a 25# plate for the hip extensions. All GHD situps were unbroken.
May rest tomorrow, may hit a quick metcon.
Monday, November 1, 2010
11/1 Westside Barbell tutorial
So we're starting a new training template based on the programming of Westside Barbell of Columbus, Ohio. Westside is world renown for producing some of the strongest athletes anywhere. Like 800# squat strong. I'll do my best to explain the nuts and bolts here without getting too technical.
First, the conjugate method. Every week there will be dynamic effort (DE) and max effort (ME) training days for both the upper and lower body. The schedule for the near future will look like this:
M- DE upper body
T- ME lower body
W- skills and longer conditioning
Th- ME upper body
F- DE lower body
Sa- business as usual
DE days will feature small percentages of 1RM moved through a range of motion as quickly as possible, with very short rest periods. Again, the focus is on moving explosively. ME days will utilize high percentages of 1RM. It is NOT neccesary to hit a come-to-Jesus 1RM every time out. Instead, the goal will be to to hit 3 reps at or above 90% of 1RM. Of course, there will be strong days when you may hit a new max. Awesome. But understand that that isn't always the goal. Rest as needed. One of the great benefits of the conjugate method is maximized recovery, so you won't feel so smashed late in the week. The plan for the moment is to rotate the movements on DE and ME days every 2 weeks, further maximizing recovery.
Assistance work. The Westside method requires the use of accessory movements to support the DE and ME movements, and balance the overall strength development. Muscle groups assistant to the upper body include the delts, triceps, lats, and upper back. For the lower, the quads, erectors, hamstrings, and of course, the core. These movements will be programmed for the most part into the WOD, and occasionally the cash out. Today's WOD is a good example:
Standing press 8x3 on the minute, 50%1RM
Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes:
8 Bent-over rows 135/85#
8 Diamond pushups
20 Doubleunders
Cash out: Handstand shrugs 3x10
Dynamic effort in the press (DE upper body). The WOD takes care of the lats (bent-over rows) and triceps (diamond pushup). The cash out hits the traps/upper back, while allowing for some skill development in the handstand. The entirety of the WOD takes it easy on the legs in preparation for tomorrow's ME lower body day.
Hope this is helpful
First, the conjugate method. Every week there will be dynamic effort (DE) and max effort (ME) training days for both the upper and lower body. The schedule for the near future will look like this:
M- DE upper body
T- ME lower body
W- skills and longer conditioning
Th- ME upper body
F- DE lower body
Sa- business as usual
DE days will feature small percentages of 1RM moved through a range of motion as quickly as possible, with very short rest periods. Again, the focus is on moving explosively. ME days will utilize high percentages of 1RM. It is NOT neccesary to hit a come-to-Jesus 1RM every time out. Instead, the goal will be to to hit 3 reps at or above 90% of 1RM. Of course, there will be strong days when you may hit a new max. Awesome. But understand that that isn't always the goal. Rest as needed. One of the great benefits of the conjugate method is maximized recovery, so you won't feel so smashed late in the week. The plan for the moment is to rotate the movements on DE and ME days every 2 weeks, further maximizing recovery.
Assistance work. The Westside method requires the use of accessory movements to support the DE and ME movements, and balance the overall strength development. Muscle groups assistant to the upper body include the delts, triceps, lats, and upper back. For the lower, the quads, erectors, hamstrings, and of course, the core. These movements will be programmed for the most part into the WOD, and occasionally the cash out. Today's WOD is a good example:
Standing press 8x3 on the minute, 50%1RM
Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes:
8 Bent-over rows 135/85#
8 Diamond pushups
20 Doubleunders
Cash out: Handstand shrugs 3x10
Dynamic effort in the press (DE upper body). The WOD takes care of the lats (bent-over rows) and triceps (diamond pushup). The cash out hits the traps/upper back, while allowing for some skill development in the handstand. The entirety of the WOD takes it easy on the legs in preparation for tomorrow's ME lower body day.
Hope this is helpful
Sunday, October 31, 2010
10/30 Barbells for Boobs
30 Clean & jerks 135# for time
We hosted our 2nd annual fundraiser for breast cancer research at CrossFit Will County today. We had more than 50 athletes from several area affiliates show up to donate and put a hurt on "Grace". We had several vendors plying their wares, a giant bouncy house for the kids, an Oswego police squad car (also for the kids), a raffle with a ton of valuable prizes donated by our many sponsors, sweet custom t-shirts, newbie WODs running upstairs in the loft, a bounty of deliciousness, some paleo, much of it not, ice cold adult beverages, and of course, many, many admirable performances in the CrossFit classic WOD "Grace". Oh, and did I mention that we required our members to show up in costume? Of the many highlights: A-rog simultaneously running 2 grills while wearing Tinkerbell wings, Haas going under 2:00 in the WOD in cargo pants (1:57 if I'm not mistaken), Timmy performing the WOD in a full gorilla costume, including gloves, and still putting up a 3:30, Jake finally doing "Grace" rx'd (I had to shame him into it bit I think he's glad I did), and raising a boatload of money for the best kind of cause. Best costumes of the day (in my humble estimation), and there were many awesome ones, went to Marisa as Mia Wallace from "Pulp Fiction", with a giant syringe sticking out of her chest, and Mike as Sloth from that iconic '80s classic "The Goonies". Many, many people contributed to make the event possible, but Shannon was the spearhead, and should be singled out for her efforts. She did a ton of work and wore a bunch of hats. It was a super stressful job, but she handled it gracefully, and the event went off without a hitch. Superlative effort Shan. Thank you.
On a personal note, I was lucky enough to post a 2:38 "Grace" which is a 15 second PR. I say lucky because, judging by the way I felt afterward, I think I could have pushed a little harder, which is disappointing, and frankly, unacceptable. Nor is it like me to hold back, intentionally or not. Certainly there were a myriad of distractions, but a competitor pushes all of that aside for 2 and a half minutes. I will not let that happen again.
Afterward, a bunch of our members stuck around and ate, drank and made merry until pretty gosh darned late into the evening. I'm pretty gosh darned tired.
Hopefully post some pics later.
30 Clean & jerks 135# for time
We hosted our 2nd annual fundraiser for breast cancer research at CrossFit Will County today. We had more than 50 athletes from several area affiliates show up to donate and put a hurt on "Grace". We had several vendors plying their wares, a giant bouncy house for the kids, an Oswego police squad car (also for the kids), a raffle with a ton of valuable prizes donated by our many sponsors, sweet custom t-shirts, newbie WODs running upstairs in the loft, a bounty of deliciousness, some paleo, much of it not, ice cold adult beverages, and of course, many, many admirable performances in the CrossFit classic WOD "Grace". Oh, and did I mention that we required our members to show up in costume? Of the many highlights: A-rog simultaneously running 2 grills while wearing Tinkerbell wings, Haas going under 2:00 in the WOD in cargo pants (1:57 if I'm not mistaken), Timmy performing the WOD in a full gorilla costume, including gloves, and still putting up a 3:30, Jake finally doing "Grace" rx'd (I had to shame him into it bit I think he's glad I did), and raising a boatload of money for the best kind of cause. Best costumes of the day (in my humble estimation), and there were many awesome ones, went to Marisa as Mia Wallace from "Pulp Fiction", with a giant syringe sticking out of her chest, and Mike as Sloth from that iconic '80s classic "The Goonies". Many, many people contributed to make the event possible, but Shannon was the spearhead, and should be singled out for her efforts. She did a ton of work and wore a bunch of hats. It was a super stressful job, but she handled it gracefully, and the event went off without a hitch. Superlative effort Shan. Thank you.
On a personal note, I was lucky enough to post a 2:38 "Grace" which is a 15 second PR. I say lucky because, judging by the way I felt afterward, I think I could have pushed a little harder, which is disappointing, and frankly, unacceptable. Nor is it like me to hold back, intentionally or not. Certainly there were a myriad of distractions, but a competitor pushes all of that aside for 2 and a half minutes. I will not let that happen again.
Afterward, a bunch of our members stuck around and ate, drank and made merry until pretty gosh darned late into the evening. I'm pretty gosh darned tired.
Hopefully post some pics later.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
10/28 ME Standing Press PR
ME Standing press 5-3-2-2-1-1-1
Weighted pullup 8-8-8
Diamond pushup 12-12-12
Woke up feeling good so I decided to go ahead with the ME upper body day. Hadn't tested my 1RM in the press in a loooooong time, so I had high hopes for a big PR. Previous PR was 155x2 on 5/25/10, and more recently 150x4 on 10/11/10. Weights went like this: 95x5, 115x3, 125x2, 135x2, 155, 160 (PR), 165 (another PR), 170 (a great big PR). Extremely pleased with this. To say the least.
Did the pullups with an underhand grip and a 20# vest.
Happy monkey.
Weighted pullup 8-8-8
Diamond pushup 12-12-12
Woke up feeling good so I decided to go ahead with the ME upper body day. Hadn't tested my 1RM in the press in a loooooong time, so I had high hopes for a big PR. Previous PR was 155x2 on 5/25/10, and more recently 150x4 on 10/11/10. Weights went like this: 95x5, 115x3, 125x2, 135x2, 155, 160 (PR), 165 (another PR), 170 (a great big PR). Extremely pleased with this. To say the least.
Did the pullups with an underhand grip and a 20# vest.
Happy monkey.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
10/27 Tastes Like Burning...
3 Rounds for time:
15 Hang power cleans 135#
30 Squats
Planned on doing this at home or after coaching at the gym, but I got to the Clubhouse a little early to coach the 5:15 class, and the 4:15 was just about ready to hit it. So, with no warmup to speak of, I loaded up a barbell and let it rip. Always better with a group. Normally I'd advise strongly against flying into a WOD cold like that, but the weight was light enough and I'd done a fair amount of stretching and foam rolling throughout the day. And of course, a hallmark of CrossFit is training and preparedness for the unknown and unknowable. Managed to keep the pace hot. I never put the barbell down once (thank you chalk and hook-grip), only resting with the bar in the front rack 2 or 3 times. The 2nd set of squats was broken once and the 3rd set twice, each time only long enough to take a single breath before resuming. At the end the clock read 3:57. This WOD was a good test of anaerobic capacity. The cardio engine never really felt tested but it was a leg-burner for sure. In fact, the burn in my legs seemed to actually increase for several minutes post-WOD, not unlike a 500m sprint on the rower, or the "Pain Pony" as we like to call it.
Not sure what tomorrow will hold. I rarely train more than 3 days in a row, but I feel very fresh. One of the great benefits of Westside programming is that it maximizes recovery. If I feel as fresh in the AM as I do now, I may decide to hit the ME upper body, which would be the standing press. Haven't shot for a 1RM in the press in at least a year, so I admit it's tempting. We shall see.
15 Hang power cleans 135#
30 Squats
Planned on doing this at home or after coaching at the gym, but I got to the Clubhouse a little early to coach the 5:15 class, and the 4:15 was just about ready to hit it. So, with no warmup to speak of, I loaded up a barbell and let it rip. Always better with a group. Normally I'd advise strongly against flying into a WOD cold like that, but the weight was light enough and I'd done a fair amount of stretching and foam rolling throughout the day. And of course, a hallmark of CrossFit is training and preparedness for the unknown and unknowable. Managed to keep the pace hot. I never put the barbell down once (thank you chalk and hook-grip), only resting with the bar in the front rack 2 or 3 times. The 2nd set of squats was broken once and the 3rd set twice, each time only long enough to take a single breath before resuming. At the end the clock read 3:57. This WOD was a good test of anaerobic capacity. The cardio engine never really felt tested but it was a leg-burner for sure. In fact, the burn in my legs seemed to actually increase for several minutes post-WOD, not unlike a 500m sprint on the rower, or the "Pain Pony" as we like to call it.
Not sure what tomorrow will hold. I rarely train more than 3 days in a row, but I feel very fresh. One of the great benefits of Westside programming is that it maximizes recovery. If I feel as fresh in the AM as I do now, I may decide to hit the ME upper body, which would be the standing press. Haven't shot for a 1RM in the press in at least a year, so I admit it's tempting. We shall see.
10/26 Heavyish
Max effort back squat 5-3-2-2-1-1-1
Glute-ham raise 5-5-5
Ab-wheel roll-out 5-5-5
Continuing my 1st full week of Westside inspired programming, today was ME lower body day. The idea is not neccesarily to hit a new PR every time out (though that is certainly possible), but to hit at least 3 singles at or above 90% of your 1RM. Weights went 225x5, 245x3, 265x2, 275x2, 285, 295, 305#. Glute-ham raises on the GHD have become just about my favorite movement since I've finally learned how to recruit the calves and hamstrings properly. I perform these as a hip extension and raise right into the GH raise. After 3 sets of 5 the benefit they lend to all posterior chain dominant movements (DLs, squats, oly lifts, etc) is obvious. The ab-wheel has always been one of my favorite movements. Far more than a tremendous core stimulus, the shoulders, lats, hip flexors, serratus, and quads also recieve a healthy dose, and the movement is very similar to slowly lowering from an inverted hang or front lever. Given that an ab-wheel costs about $8 at Walmart (a loaded barbell also works nicely), and the easily scalable nature of the movement, these should be in everyone's core movement arsenal.
Quick WOD tomorrow
Glute-ham raise 5-5-5
Ab-wheel roll-out 5-5-5
Continuing my 1st full week of Westside inspired programming, today was ME lower body day. The idea is not neccesarily to hit a new PR every time out (though that is certainly possible), but to hit at least 3 singles at or above 90% of your 1RM. Weights went 225x5, 245x3, 265x2, 275x2, 285, 295, 305#. Glute-ham raises on the GHD have become just about my favorite movement since I've finally learned how to recruit the calves and hamstrings properly. I perform these as a hip extension and raise right into the GH raise. After 3 sets of 5 the benefit they lend to all posterior chain dominant movements (DLs, squats, oly lifts, etc) is obvious. The ab-wheel has always been one of my favorite movements. Far more than a tremendous core stimulus, the shoulders, lats, hip flexors, serratus, and quads also recieve a healthy dose, and the movement is very similar to slowly lowering from an inverted hang or front lever. Given that an ab-wheel costs about $8 at Walmart (a loaded barbell also works nicely), and the easily scalable nature of the movement, these should be in everyone's core movement arsenal.
Quick WOD tomorrow
Monday, October 25, 2010
10/25 "Randy"
Close-grip bench press 12x2, 45s rest
Standing dumbell press 10-10-10
Bent-over barbell row 10-10-10
"Randy" for time:
75 Power snatches 75#
Had my 2nd go around with Westside style DE bench press at home. Added 5# from last week at 150#. Kept the weight moving fast. Used 35# DBs and 135# on the barbell for the assistance movements. Not much to talk about there.
Later at the Clubhouse I had a few minutes between classes to hit the CFWC workout of the day, "Randy". I hadn't done this WOD in well over a year, clocking in at 4:14. There were a bunch of solid times on the board and I was anxious to see how I'd fare. Haas, our resident olympic lifting guru, stuck around to holler at me and keep my form honest. Managed 25 straight to start, then 3 sets of 15, before finishing with a final 5. When all was said and done the clock read 3:45, a :29 PR. PRs make Johnny a happy monkey. The reps never got heavy, just a little slow. The weight is light enough that you never really have to Vasalva (holding the breath in the abdomen to help stabilize the midline during heavy lifting) so you really don't have a good excuse to slow down , and I was breathing like a steam engine. Nice.
Tomorrow: max effort back squatting and the accompanying assistance movements.
Standing dumbell press 10-10-10
Bent-over barbell row 10-10-10
"Randy" for time:
75 Power snatches 75#
Had my 2nd go around with Westside style DE bench press at home. Added 5# from last week at 150#. Kept the weight moving fast. Used 35# DBs and 135# on the barbell for the assistance movements. Not much to talk about there.
Later at the Clubhouse I had a few minutes between classes to hit the CFWC workout of the day, "Randy". I hadn't done this WOD in well over a year, clocking in at 4:14. There were a bunch of solid times on the board and I was anxious to see how I'd fare. Haas, our resident olympic lifting guru, stuck around to holler at me and keep my form honest. Managed 25 straight to start, then 3 sets of 15, before finishing with a final 5. When all was said and done the clock read 3:45, a :29 PR. PRs make Johnny a happy monkey. The reps never got heavy, just a little slow. The weight is light enough that you never really have to Vasalva (holding the breath in the abdomen to help stabilize the midline during heavy lifting) so you really don't have a good excuse to slow down , and I was breathing like a steam engine. Nice.
Tomorrow: max effort back squatting and the accompanying assistance movements.
Friday, October 22, 2010
10/22 Zoftag!!!
Find 1RM front squat
"Josh" for time:
21 Overhead squats 95#
42 Pullups
15 OHS
30 Pullups
18 Pullups
30 Good mornings 45#
Dropped in on the 9:30am class at CFWC. The group was already front squatting so I jumped in with Rick and Mac. Oddly, considering my failures at the FS last week (a paltry and difficult 5# PR) and lack of extensive warmup, the weights felt light. So up they went. Hit 245 and 265 (another 5# PR) easily, so with a PR in my back pocket, I loaded up the bar to 275#, stomped my feet and unracked it. Had trouble drawing a big breath into my abdomen and nearly lost it coming out of the hole, but I managed to recover and stand it up for a 15# PR.
"Josh" is one of my favorite WODs and I was looking forward to it. Was hoping to complete all OHS unbroken and at least the 1st set of pullups as well. Was not to be as it turned out, but I did manage 37 pullups before my grip was screaming at me. All OHS were indeed unbroken. Pullups were broken up quite a bit in the rounds of 30 and 18, and I had to scramble a few times to find space on the crowded pullup bars. When it was all said and done the clock read 5:13. Previous PR, nearly a year ago was 6:14.
Curious how these two movements seem to blow each other up. You wouldn't think OHS would have such a profound effect on your grip, but it does indeed. More predictable is the fatigue each movement causes to the core and shoulder girdle, causing each movement to negatively affect the performance of the next. After 42 pullups, the set of 15 OHS becomes a bit dicey halfway through, forcing you to concentrate on active shoulders and stabilize the midline when you're gasping for breath. Gooooood stuff...
"Josh" for time:
21 Overhead squats 95#
42 Pullups
15 OHS
30 Pullups
18 Pullups
30 Good mornings 45#
Dropped in on the 9:30am class at CFWC. The group was already front squatting so I jumped in with Rick and Mac. Oddly, considering my failures at the FS last week (a paltry and difficult 5# PR) and lack of extensive warmup, the weights felt light. So up they went. Hit 245 and 265 (another 5# PR) easily, so with a PR in my back pocket, I loaded up the bar to 275#, stomped my feet and unracked it. Had trouble drawing a big breath into my abdomen and nearly lost it coming out of the hole, but I managed to recover and stand it up for a 15# PR.
"Josh" is one of my favorite WODs and I was looking forward to it. Was hoping to complete all OHS unbroken and at least the 1st set of pullups as well. Was not to be as it turned out, but I did manage 37 pullups before my grip was screaming at me. All OHS were indeed unbroken. Pullups were broken up quite a bit in the rounds of 30 and 18, and I had to scramble a few times to find space on the crowded pullup bars. When it was all said and done the clock read 5:13. Previous PR, nearly a year ago was 6:14.
Curious how these two movements seem to blow each other up. You wouldn't think OHS would have such a profound effect on your grip, but it does indeed. More predictable is the fatigue each movement causes to the core and shoulder girdle, causing each movement to negatively affect the performance of the next. After 42 pullups, the set of 15 OHS becomes a bit dicey halfway through, forcing you to concentrate on active shoulders and stabilize the midline when you're gasping for breath. Gooooood stuff...
Haven't posted in a while, mostly because training has been a bit crappy lately. My birthday and the required celebrations are a big part of that. Recently it's been looking up so hopefully I'm back on the wagon, both training and posting. A few highlights among many lowlights:
4 Rounds for time:
7 Hang power snatches 95#
1 round of "Cindy", which is
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats
Hoping to incorporate some Westside Barbell principals into future training at CFWC. Started tonight with:
DE (dynamic effort) Close-grip bench press, 12x2 on the minute, 60% 1RM
Used 145#. DE is designed in part to maximize recovery. After this WOD I felt barely taxed at all, and two days after the fact I still feel no soreness, so I'm inclined to believe the benefits to recovery. Polished off the session with glute-ham raise pushups. These are performed by wedging your feet under something (I used my bedframe, you could have a partner hold your feet as well) in a pushup position on the floor. Contract your glutes and hamstrings HARD, attempting to pull yourself up into an upright position. Use your arms, as in a pushup, to help yourself up as little or as much as needed. Follow with a slow negative back to the floor. These have tremendous benefits to the posterior chain. I did 3x8 and am still feeling them. Nice.
4 Rounds for time:
7 Hang power snatches 95#
1 round of "Cindy", which is
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats
Hoping to incorporate some Westside Barbell principals into future training at CFWC. Started tonight with:
DE (dynamic effort) Close-grip bench press, 12x2 on the minute, 60% 1RM
Used 145#. DE is designed in part to maximize recovery. After this WOD I felt barely taxed at all, and two days after the fact I still feel no soreness, so I'm inclined to believe the benefits to recovery. Polished off the session with glute-ham raise pushups. These are performed by wedging your feet under something (I used my bedframe, you could have a partner hold your feet as well) in a pushup position on the floor. Contract your glutes and hamstrings HARD, attempting to pull yourself up into an upright position. Use your arms, as in a pushup, to help yourself up as little or as much as needed. Follow with a slow negative back to the floor. These have tremendous benefits to the posterior chain. I did 3x8 and am still feeling them. Nice.
Friday, October 15, 2010
10/14 Like When You Climb the Rope in Gym Class...
Front squat, find new 1RM
3 Rounds for time:
3 Rope climbs 15'
15 Wallballs 20#
Hadn't focused on front squats in a while so wanted to find my 1RM for the next strength phase. Didn't go very well unfortunately. Warmup weights felt pretty easy but max attempts were lacking. Managed 260# (ughhh) for a 5# PR, then failed badly at 270#, dropped the weight to 265# and failed twice there. Not sure what the problem was. Kinda felt like I couldn't find the proper depth and transition from down to up in a smooth manner. Disappointing, but a PR nonetheless.
Metcon wasn't much better. Wallballs weren't terrible but the rope climbs got ugly fast. My already tired and sore biceps had a hard time pulling me up to position my feet, and my grip was screaming at me. On each of the last 6 climbs I missed the rope with my feet once, which made things even worse. But I got through it, just not as fast or pretty as I would have preferred. Something to be said for gutting it out when it's not your day. RC was good enough to keep an eye on me and video the debacle, warts and all.
Not sure what tomorrow will bring. I had a plan, but given today's suckitude, I may play it by ear.
Awesome. Now the vid won't load. Maybe better luck later.
3 Rounds for time:
3 Rope climbs 15'
15 Wallballs 20#
Hadn't focused on front squats in a while so wanted to find my 1RM for the next strength phase. Didn't go very well unfortunately. Warmup weights felt pretty easy but max attempts were lacking. Managed 260# (ughhh) for a 5# PR, then failed badly at 270#, dropped the weight to 265# and failed twice there. Not sure what the problem was. Kinda felt like I couldn't find the proper depth and transition from down to up in a smooth manner. Disappointing, but a PR nonetheless.
Metcon wasn't much better. Wallballs weren't terrible but the rope climbs got ugly fast. My already tired and sore biceps had a hard time pulling me up to position my feet, and my grip was screaming at me. On each of the last 6 climbs I missed the rope with my feet once, which made things even worse. But I got through it, just not as fast or pretty as I would have preferred. Something to be said for gutting it out when it's not your day. RC was good enough to keep an eye on me and video the debacle, warts and all.
Not sure what tomorrow will bring. I had a plan, but given today's suckitude, I may play it by ear.
Awesome. Now the vid won't load. Maybe better luck later.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
10/12 Tuesday- Strength, Metcon, and CFE
Power clean 2 reps on the minute for 8 minutes
Ring dip 3x max reps (no kip)
21-15-9 for time:
Straight barbell curl 85#
GHD situp
Did the power cleans with 185#. No big deal. Wanted to keep the weight light and fast. Will go heavier next week. 205# sounds about right.
Ring dips went 15, 13, 13. Will do these weighted next week, along with yesterday's dead hang pullups.
Metcon: yup, you read that right. Barbell curls. Most CrossFitters will turn their noses up at the very thought, but not this guy. Anyone who finds them non-functional has never held their 4-year old in the crook of their arm for 5 minutes. They're also beneficial for strengthening the connective tissues of the elbow, which might be useful for someone attempting 100+ butterfly pullups in a WOD, and well, I like 'em. Odd choice for a metcon? Maybe, but my lungs would beg to differ. 1st and 3rd sets of curls unbroken, all GHD situps unbroken. 4:42 when it was said and done.
Tabata row
8 rounds of :20 work/:10 rest for meters
About 8 hours after the last GHD situp I hit this CrossFit Endurance WOD from a few weeks ago. At the recommendation of a few of our members who've had tremendous success with CFE in addition to the CFWC daily WODs, I've decided to give this a shot. Gonna shoot for 2 CFEs a week, one rowing, one running. Thought this would be a good one to get my feet wet with. Rounds looked like this: 106, 106, 104, 103, 103, 101, 102, 101. I'll have to check the CFE site to see how this stacks up.
Darn good day all told. Didn't get the best night's sleep but diet was spot on. Plenty of quality protein, fat, water, and the fish oil is dialed in again. Also started supplementing with my favorite brand of creatine again, pre and post-WOD. Feel like I could hit another WOD if I wanted, which I do not. Most likely rest tomorrow. Front squats, bench press, and chest-to-bar pullups on Thursday.
Ring dip 3x max reps (no kip)
21-15-9 for time:
Straight barbell curl 85#
GHD situp
Did the power cleans with 185#. No big deal. Wanted to keep the weight light and fast. Will go heavier next week. 205# sounds about right.
Ring dips went 15, 13, 13. Will do these weighted next week, along with yesterday's dead hang pullups.
Metcon: yup, you read that right. Barbell curls. Most CrossFitters will turn their noses up at the very thought, but not this guy. Anyone who finds them non-functional has never held their 4-year old in the crook of their arm for 5 minutes. They're also beneficial for strengthening the connective tissues of the elbow, which might be useful for someone attempting 100+ butterfly pullups in a WOD, and well, I like 'em. Odd choice for a metcon? Maybe, but my lungs would beg to differ. 1st and 3rd sets of curls unbroken, all GHD situps unbroken. 4:42 when it was said and done.
Tabata row
8 rounds of :20 work/:10 rest for meters
About 8 hours after the last GHD situp I hit this CrossFit Endurance WOD from a few weeks ago. At the recommendation of a few of our members who've had tremendous success with CFE in addition to the CFWC daily WODs, I've decided to give this a shot. Gonna shoot for 2 CFEs a week, one rowing, one running. Thought this would be a good one to get my feet wet with. Rounds looked like this: 106, 106, 104, 103, 103, 101, 102, 101. I'll have to check the CFE site to see how this stacks up.
Darn good day all told. Didn't get the best night's sleep but diet was spot on. Plenty of quality protein, fat, water, and the fish oil is dialed in again. Also started supplementing with my favorite brand of creatine again, pre and post-WOD. Feel like I could hit another WOD if I wanted, which I do not. Most likely rest tomorrow. Front squats, bench press, and chest-to-bar pullups on Thursday.
Monday, October 11, 2010
10/11 Pick Up Something Heavy
Back squat 5-3-1+
Standing press 5-3-1+
Deadhang chinup 3x max reps
Had a hell of a time carving out training time last week. In an effort to remedy this, I acquired yet another 2nd hand olympic weight set. So I now have about 400# of iron in the garage to go along with rings, pullup bars, squat rack, bench, a GHD, and a few other random pieces of pretty good stuff. At the very least, this should allow me to get in the bulk of my strength work at home.
Back squat
300#x1 Felt like I had 2-3 in me but wasn't willing to dump 300# of iron on the concrete garage floor if I got buried. Gonna try and find some scrap rubber flooring at the gym to take care of this.
150#x4 Not too bad. Haven't tested my 1RM in a while, but I know this is not far off. Solid.
Deadhang chinup 13, 15, 15. This was the toughest part of the workout for some reason. After the 1st set my heart rate skyrocketed, and it was a good 5 minutes before it came back down. It vexes me. I'm terribly vexed.
Tomorrow: heavy power cleans, ring dips, metcon and CFE
Standing press 5-3-1+
Deadhang chinup 3x max reps
Had a hell of a time carving out training time last week. In an effort to remedy this, I acquired yet another 2nd hand olympic weight set. So I now have about 400# of iron in the garage to go along with rings, pullup bars, squat rack, bench, a GHD, and a few other random pieces of pretty good stuff. At the very least, this should allow me to get in the bulk of my strength work at home.
Back squat
300#x1 Felt like I had 2-3 in me but wasn't willing to dump 300# of iron on the concrete garage floor if I got buried. Gonna try and find some scrap rubber flooring at the gym to take care of this.
150#x4 Not too bad. Haven't tested my 1RM in a while, but I know this is not far off. Solid.
Deadhang chinup 13, 15, 15. This was the toughest part of the workout for some reason. After the 1st set my heart rate skyrocketed, and it was a good 5 minutes before it came back down. It vexes me. I'm terribly vexed.
Tomorrow: heavy power cleans, ring dips, metcon and CFE
10/10/10 Chicago Marathon
Not me. Don't get excited.
Chris W, a long time client at CFWC, ran his 2nd marathon of the year and 4th overall today. Tam, Shan and I made the trip into the city with the boys (4, like herding gerbils), and played the requisite game of planes, trains, and automobiles to catch a glimpse of him at both the 20-mile mark and the finish line. It should be noted that Chris has been dealing with a nagging strain to his heel chord and has only run once in about a month. He also eschews traditional endurance training in favor of CF supplemented by CrossFit Endurance a few days per week (rowing, to favor the injury). He finished in 4:17 (A PR I believe, maybe Chris will chime in) and looked and felt great after the race. Afterward, a number of CFWC friends gathered to celebrate Chris' achievement with a few adult beverages and some steaks the size of your flippin' head. Great day overall. Congrats Chris!
Chris will now turn his training attentions towards Ironman Coeur D'Alene held in June of next year, again relying on CFWC and CFE programming.
More later, looking forward to getting back on the training and diet wagon today.
Chris W, a long time client at CFWC, ran his 2nd marathon of the year and 4th overall today. Tam, Shan and I made the trip into the city with the boys (4, like herding gerbils), and played the requisite game of planes, trains, and automobiles to catch a glimpse of him at both the 20-mile mark and the finish line. It should be noted that Chris has been dealing with a nagging strain to his heel chord and has only run once in about a month. He also eschews traditional endurance training in favor of CF supplemented by CrossFit Endurance a few days per week (rowing, to favor the injury). He finished in 4:17 (A PR I believe, maybe Chris will chime in) and looked and felt great after the race. Afterward, a number of CFWC friends gathered to celebrate Chris' achievement with a few adult beverages and some steaks the size of your flippin' head. Great day overall. Congrats Chris!
Chris will now turn his training attentions towards Ironman Coeur D'Alene held in June of next year, again relying on CFWC and CFE programming.
More later, looking forward to getting back on the training and diet wagon today.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
10/6 "Jack"
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
10 Push jerks 115#
10 Kettlebell swings 53#
10 Box jumps 24"
Sadly, another hero WOD for a recently deceased member of our country's armed forces. They spill blood in our defense and we drip sweat in their honor. Hardly an even trade.
Our good friend and part-time CFWC member (and full-time CrossFit Bloomington-Normal member) Katie B. was in town for her brother's wedding and stopped in for the WOD. Katie is a beast and provided a good push for yours truly. After 20 minutes of fun I'd completed 11 rounds and 2 push jerks. Katie blew through the push jerks every round and ended up with 10 rounds and change.
Not particularly satisfied with this. Generally, AMRAPs are not my cup of tea. I'm not sure if it's the actual longer duration or the lack of an end goal (think 21-15-9 or 3 rounds for time, etc). In either case, I certainly lack keen focus on these types of WODs, and this must be addressed. The cure, of course, is to do more of them. This notion thrills me no end.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
10 Push jerks 115#
10 Kettlebell swings 53#
10 Box jumps 24"
Sadly, another hero WOD for a recently deceased member of our country's armed forces. They spill blood in our defense and we drip sweat in their honor. Hardly an even trade.
Our good friend and part-time CFWC member (and full-time CrossFit Bloomington-Normal member) Katie B. was in town for her brother's wedding and stopped in for the WOD. Katie is a beast and provided a good push for yours truly. After 20 minutes of fun I'd completed 11 rounds and 2 push jerks. Katie blew through the push jerks every round and ended up with 10 rounds and change.
Not particularly satisfied with this. Generally, AMRAPs are not my cup of tea. I'm not sure if it's the actual longer duration or the lack of an end goal (think 21-15-9 or 3 rounds for time, etc). In either case, I certainly lack keen focus on these types of WODs, and this must be addressed. The cure, of course, is to do more of them. This notion thrills me no end.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
10/4 Birthday WOD
3 Rounds for time:
12 Thrusters 135#
12 Doubleunders
Well I was still seriously sore in my hips and hamstrings from my bout with "Diane" Saturday, as well as feeling the effects of some dietary jackassery (beer, cake, ice cream, beer, potatoes, cookies, and beer) on Sunday (Bday celebration with the parental units), but it WAS my 36th birthday, and Haas and CK were kind enough to conjure up a nasty WOD in my honor, soooo....
Hit the foam roller for a good 15 minutes before getting started but my ass and hammies, particularly my left for some reason, were still just screaming at me, so I gave that up and decided to just hit it. These two movements, heavy thrusters and DUs are strengths for me, so I had hopes for a fast time, maybe 3:30ish. Gravity, however, had other ideas. The thrusters just seemed really heavy and slow. Managed to finish the 1st set unbroken, dropped the bar, grabbed the rope and then tripped TWICE on DUs. What? Don't the CrossFit gods know it's my birthday? Anyway, broke the 2nd set of thrusters once, the 3rd set at least twice, and finished the remaining DUs unbroken. 4:12. Not as fast as I would've liked but still the fastest time of the day by a minute. Nice of everyone to let me win on my day.
Hopefully hit a new 1RM in the back squat and perhaps some other madness tonight.
12 Thrusters 135#
12 Doubleunders
Well I was still seriously sore in my hips and hamstrings from my bout with "Diane" Saturday, as well as feeling the effects of some dietary jackassery (beer, cake, ice cream, beer, potatoes, cookies, and beer) on Sunday (Bday celebration with the parental units), but it WAS my 36th birthday, and Haas and CK were kind enough to conjure up a nasty WOD in my honor, soooo....
Hit the foam roller for a good 15 minutes before getting started but my ass and hammies, particularly my left for some reason, were still just screaming at me, so I gave that up and decided to just hit it. These two movements, heavy thrusters and DUs are strengths for me, so I had hopes for a fast time, maybe 3:30ish. Gravity, however, had other ideas. The thrusters just seemed really heavy and slow. Managed to finish the 1st set unbroken, dropped the bar, grabbed the rope and then tripped TWICE on DUs. What? Don't the CrossFit gods know it's my birthday? Anyway, broke the 2nd set of thrusters once, the 3rd set at least twice, and finished the remaining DUs unbroken. 4:12. Not as fast as I would've liked but still the fastest time of the day by a minute. Nice of everyone to let me win on my day.
Hopefully hit a new 1RM in the back squat and perhaps some other madness tonight.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
10/2 "Diane"
21-15-9 for time:
Deadlift 225#
Handstand pushup
It was PR Saturday at the Clubhouse this morning, and we saw lots of new ink on the leaderboards. My lady of choice was "Diane", and I was gonna finally break 4:00 or die trying. My last two attempts at this WOD came in at 4:10. The 1st was OK. It was a PR of 10-15 seconds. The 2nd time, HSPUs just abandoned me completely and was a lot like kissing your sister. So, I was a little nervous. As it turned out, by the time I'd loaded a bar, chalked up and shook out the jitters, there were a bunch of good people waiting to cheer me on. If I'm honest, the deadlifts were light and never presented a problem. I'm reasonably certain that I simply cannot complete them any faster with full ROM. The HSPUs were another story. They started off fairly strong, and I was careful to avoid going to failure, but they declined rapidly. I kipped a rep of the 15s and a number of the 9s as well. Despite that, I never once thought I might not PR. All my friends, clients, people that I love, that I've shed sweat and blood with at the Clubhouse, in short my family...screamed their lungs out, doing their damnedest to lend me their energy when I needed it most. They weren't about to let me fail myself.
And I didn't.
Take that Di.
21-15-9 for time:
Deadlift 225#
Handstand pushup
It was PR Saturday at the Clubhouse this morning, and we saw lots of new ink on the leaderboards. My lady of choice was "Diane", and I was gonna finally break 4:00 or die trying. My last two attempts at this WOD came in at 4:10. The 1st was OK. It was a PR of 10-15 seconds. The 2nd time, HSPUs just abandoned me completely and was a lot like kissing your sister. So, I was a little nervous. As it turned out, by the time I'd loaded a bar, chalked up and shook out the jitters, there were a bunch of good people waiting to cheer me on. If I'm honest, the deadlifts were light and never presented a problem. I'm reasonably certain that I simply cannot complete them any faster with full ROM. The HSPUs were another story. They started off fairly strong, and I was careful to avoid going to failure, but they declined rapidly. I kipped a rep of the 15s and a number of the 9s as well. Despite that, I never once thought I might not PR. All my friends, clients, people that I love, that I've shed sweat and blood with at the Clubhouse, in short my family...screamed their lungs out, doing their damnedest to lend me their energy when I needed it most. They weren't about to let me fail myself.
And I didn't.
Take that Di.
9/30 Heavy Deads
Deadlift 5-3-1+ (70-80-90% of 1RM)
Another late night at the Clubhouse. Decided to squeeze in some heavy deads at about 9:15pm. Wanted to stay on schedule with 5-3-1 and I also want to take Friday off, as I have a score to settle with that fickle Jezebel "Diane" on Saturday. Weights were 280x5, 320x3, and I managed 4 reps with 360#. I'm convinced my strength numbers are up across the board after the long oly-lifting biased phase on OPT, and I'm planning to test some 1RMs next week. Also looking forward to starting a new template I've been working on.
Another late night at the Clubhouse. Decided to squeeze in some heavy deads at about 9:15pm. Wanted to stay on schedule with 5-3-1 and I also want to take Friday off, as I have a score to settle with that fickle Jezebel "Diane" on Saturday. Weights were 280x5, 320x3, and I managed 4 reps with 360#. I'm convinced my strength numbers are up across the board after the long oly-lifting biased phase on OPT, and I'm planning to test some 1RMs next week. Also looking forward to starting a new template I've been working on.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
9/29 Muscleups
30 Muscleups for time
Took an unexpected rest day yesterday and I can't say I'm sorry. Just got busy with one thing after an other. Blah...I did, however, spend some time working on a new training template for the next few months. More on that later.
Anyway, had a bit of time between classes so I decided to hit a WOD I hadn't done since April of last year. I've been practicing MUs with no false grip for a little while and was eager to see how it worked out. Previous best (4/09) was 6:04. Ended up with a 5:48 PR, which I was pleased with for the most part. I finally broke 6:00 and managed the 1st 15 reps with no false grip. Sets were 5-5-5-2-2-2-2-2-2-1-1-1, which is good because in the past I was generally reduced to singles after 15 or so. Also, I never failed a rep, which on one hand might be considered a plus. On the other hand, maybe that means I left a bit too much in the tank, and could've gone harder out of the gate. Ehhh, live and learn and never look a PR in the mouth. Deadlifts and presses tonight.
Took an unexpected rest day yesterday and I can't say I'm sorry. Just got busy with one thing after an other. Blah...I did, however, spend some time working on a new training template for the next few months. More on that later.
Anyway, had a bit of time between classes so I decided to hit a WOD I hadn't done since April of last year. I've been practicing MUs with no false grip for a little while and was eager to see how it worked out. Previous best (4/09) was 6:04. Ended up with a 5:48 PR, which I was pleased with for the most part. I finally broke 6:00 and managed the 1st 15 reps with no false grip. Sets were 5-5-5-2-2-2-2-2-2-1-1-1, which is good because in the past I was generally reduced to singles after 15 or so. Also, I never failed a rep, which on one hand might be considered a plus. On the other hand, maybe that means I left a bit too much in the tank, and could've gone harder out of the gate. Ehhh, live and learn and never look a PR in the mouth. Deadlifts and presses tonight.
Monday, September 27, 2010
9/27 Strength
Back squat 5-3-1+ (70-809-%1RM)
Bench press 5-3-1+ (70-80-90%1RM)
Feeling better than I have any right to after Fight Gone Bad on Saturday. A three hour nap yesterday afternoon didn't hurt. Felt good enough to hit my usual Monday strength work. Back squats weren't too bad, and I frickin' hate squatting heavy. Weights were 230, 260, 290#. Managed 3 reps at 290. Felt good. I haven't squatted near my max since early in the summer so I was happy with that. Bench went well too. Weights were 175, 200, 225#. Got 4 reps at 225#. Mike was good enough to stick around and give me a spot, so I felt confident banging out an extra rep. Thanks Mike.
More later. Not sure what yet.
Bench press 5-3-1+ (70-80-90%1RM)
Feeling better than I have any right to after Fight Gone Bad on Saturday. A three hour nap yesterday afternoon didn't hurt. Felt good enough to hit my usual Monday strength work. Back squats weren't too bad, and I frickin' hate squatting heavy. Weights were 230, 260, 290#. Managed 3 reps at 290. Felt good. I haven't squatted near my max since early in the summer so I was happy with that. Bench went well too. Weights were 175, 200, 225#. Got 4 reps at 225#. Mike was good enough to stick around and give me a spot, so I felt confident banging out an extra rep. Thanks Mike.
More later. Not sure what yet.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Fight Gone Bad 5
Well, I'd been dreading this event for months, but it ended up being an awesome day, for a lot of people. The event was held at CrossFit Tri-Cities in St. Charles, and at least 5 affiliates and (by my estimation) about 100 participants in attendance. CFWC brought a strong contingent of Rick, Jill, Steve, Tina, Tammy, Marisa, Jake, Chris, Tim, Mac, CK, and myself, and I expected big things. For the uninitiated, FGB looks like this:
3 Rounds for reps
Each round complete as many reps as possible of each movement for 1:00 before moving on to the next, with a 1:00 rest period between rounds
Wallball 20#
Box jump 20"
Push press 75#
Row (for calories)
For many, if not most of our team, this was the first go at FGB, and some impressive efforts were turned out. Jill, with a score of 308, walked away with 1st place in the rx'd women's division, and was one of only two women to break 300. CK (co-owner of CFWC) posted a 30 rep PR 411, and took the men's crown. I was 2nd at 408, a 50 rep PR. I was most impressed at how we scored as an affiliate, top to bottom. Everyone went rx'd, everyone went full tilt boogie for the entire WOD, and everyone got behind their teammates, screaming their voices raw. A bunch of people finally got to meet FGB, and a bunch of people hit big PRs. Had there been an affiliate award (as there was last year) we'd have taken it handily.
Afterwards, we all retreated to a fine local establishment for some non-Paleo grub, an adult beverage or two, and the associated hijinks.
CFWC results:
CK 411
Tammy 273
Rick 278
John 408
Tim 326
Tina 255
Jake 322
Marisa 237
Mac 307
Chris 298
Steve 288
Jill 308
Props to Mark and the staff of CrossFit Tri-Cities for a fun and smoothly run event.
Hopefully have some pics and maybe some video up soon
3 Rounds for reps
Each round complete as many reps as possible of each movement for 1:00 before moving on to the next, with a 1:00 rest period between rounds
Wallball 20#
Box jump 20"
Push press 75#
Row (for calories)
For many, if not most of our team, this was the first go at FGB, and some impressive efforts were turned out. Jill, with a score of 308, walked away with 1st place in the rx'd women's division, and was one of only two women to break 300. CK (co-owner of CFWC) posted a 30 rep PR 411, and took the men's crown. I was 2nd at 408, a 50 rep PR. I was most impressed at how we scored as an affiliate, top to bottom. Everyone went rx'd, everyone went full tilt boogie for the entire WOD, and everyone got behind their teammates, screaming their voices raw. A bunch of people finally got to meet FGB, and a bunch of people hit big PRs. Had there been an affiliate award (as there was last year) we'd have taken it handily.
Afterwards, we all retreated to a fine local establishment for some non-Paleo grub, an adult beverage or two, and the associated hijinks.
CFWC results:
CK 411
Tammy 273
Rick 278
John 408
Tim 326
Tina 255
Jake 322
Marisa 237
Mac 307
Chris 298
Steve 288
Jill 308
Props to Mark and the staff of CrossFit Tri-Cities for a fun and smoothly run event.
Hopefully have some pics and maybe some video up soon
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Little guys can row too-9/19 Mainsite WOD
Row 1:00 max effort for meters
This was the buy in for our regular classes today (x3, recover between). Best round on the board was 340 by Big Poppa Alex. After coaching the 5:15 through it and watching CK post a 339 (like kissing your sister buddy, I feel for ya), I couldn't resist giving it a holler. I figured one round wouldn't crush me too badly for my WOD and would get my troublesome hips good and loosened up. Grip it and rip it baby. When it all shook out the monitor read 356. Man, that was a long minute, and man do I hate rowing.
5 rounds: (no time element)
Deadlift 3 reps
Max Handstand pushups
Been looking forward to this WOD for a few days to see where my DL and HSPUs are at. Rounds looked like this:
Both movements felt strong, and if I'm honest this was the best WOD I've turned in in a few weeks. 375# went up fast, which surprised me since it's only a few pounds below my 1RM. Decided to back it off after that, remembering that FGB is only a few days away. HSPUs are finally looking up too. Hit the HSPUs immediately following the deads and rested about 3 minutes between rounds. Gotta do "Diane" again soon, that fickle bitch. Hope to have video up tomorrow.
All for now
This was the buy in for our regular classes today (x3, recover between). Best round on the board was 340 by Big Poppa Alex. After coaching the 5:15 through it and watching CK post a 339 (like kissing your sister buddy, I feel for ya), I couldn't resist giving it a holler. I figured one round wouldn't crush me too badly for my WOD and would get my troublesome hips good and loosened up. Grip it and rip it baby. When it all shook out the monitor read 356. Man, that was a long minute, and man do I hate rowing.
5 rounds: (no time element)
Deadlift 3 reps
Max Handstand pushups
Been looking forward to this WOD for a few days to see where my DL and HSPUs are at. Rounds looked like this:
Both movements felt strong, and if I'm honest this was the best WOD I've turned in in a few weeks. 375# went up fast, which surprised me since it's only a few pounds below my 1RM. Decided to back it off after that, remembering that FGB is only a few days away. HSPUs are finally looking up too. Hit the HSPUs immediately following the deads and rested about 3 minutes between rounds. Gotta do "Diane" again soon, that fickle bitch. Hope to have video up tomorrow.
All for now
World's Strongest Teenager
Just 19 years old, with a 500# clean, 700# olympic squat (x5), and a 440# snatch. Look at the bar bending under the weights this kid pushes. My mind is blown.
Back squat 3-3-3 (65-75-85% of 1RM)
Bench press 3-3-3 (65-75-85% of 1RM)
Still wasn't feeling 100% today but was eager to get back at it. Hit the gym in the afternoon before my 6:15 class to move a little iron. A good long warmup in the back squat helped loosen up the hips, and as is usual for me for some reason, the 2nd set felt lighter than the 1st. Weights were 215-245-275#. Bench felt light and fast, which is nice. Must finally be getting some neuromuscular adaption to the motor pathway of the movement. Weights were 165-190-215#. Managed 4 reps with 215#.
For time:
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters 45#
30 Pullups
After coaching for 2 hours, I hit up a CrossFit classic, "Jackie". This is one of my favorite benchmark WODs, though right this second I'm having a hard time remembering why. Got through the row in 3:12 which is about right for me but seemed to take a lot more effort than it should have. Felt like I should have been able to finish the thrusters unbroken but only managed 38 before taking a quick breather. Pullup weren't too bad. Managed to get through those 15/15. When I nailed the last pullup the clock read 6:41 which is a :10 PR. Then I flopped on the floor and enjoyed the sensation of massaging my sternum from the inside with my pounding heart. Ughhh...that hurt way too much for a :10 PR.
Bench press 3-3-3 (65-75-85% of 1RM)
Still wasn't feeling 100% today but was eager to get back at it. Hit the gym in the afternoon before my 6:15 class to move a little iron. A good long warmup in the back squat helped loosen up the hips, and as is usual for me for some reason, the 2nd set felt lighter than the 1st. Weights were 215-245-275#. Bench felt light and fast, which is nice. Must finally be getting some neuromuscular adaption to the motor pathway of the movement. Weights were 165-190-215#. Managed 4 reps with 215#.
For time:
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters 45#
30 Pullups
After coaching for 2 hours, I hit up a CrossFit classic, "Jackie". This is one of my favorite benchmark WODs, though right this second I'm having a hard time remembering why. Got through the row in 3:12 which is about right for me but seemed to take a lot more effort than it should have. Felt like I should have been able to finish the thrusters unbroken but only managed 38 before taking a quick breather. Pullup weren't too bad. Managed to get through those 15/15. When I nailed the last pullup the clock read 6:41 which is a :10 PR. Then I flopped on the floor and enjoyed the sensation of massaging my sternum from the inside with my pounding heart. Ughhh...that hurt way too much for a :10 PR.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Change of Plans
Just wasn't feeling it today. The 4-year old has had his Dad up in the night 6 times in the last week and a half, I was running around all weekend, consuming questionable food choices, and a few adult beverages may or may not have been consumed in celebration of my good friend's 1st marathon (see below). As a result, today did not go down as planned. Energy was down, hips were tired and sore from the FGB on Saturday, short on time...blah, blah, blah. Anyway, rested today, foam rolled, ate a bunch of good food. Gonna hit it hard tomorrow. Off to bed.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday Update
Team "Fight Gone Bad"
In teams of 2 complete 3 rounds for reps of the following, 90s per station:
Wallball 20#
Box jump 20"
Push press 75#
Row (for cals)
Teamed up with CFWC business advisor Randall on this, and it sucked plenty. We managed a respectable 701, barely besting a tough team made up of Chris and Jake (by 15ish reps). As usual the box jump and push press were the most productive, the SDLHP and row the least. "Fight Gone Bad" is my absolute least favorite CF WOD. Yes, worse than "Fran." Much worse. At least "Fran" is over with quickly. Not looking forward whatsoever to the FGB comp on Saturday, but can't see any way out of it. On the plus side, I think CFWC will field a very strong team that should be in the hunt for the affiliate title. Hoping to put up a significant PR to my current 358. Being the PR whore that I am, my friends may have to confiscate my belt and shoelaces if I don't. Just sayin'...
2nd week of 5-3-1 in the back squat and bench press tomorrow, followed by the CFWC WOD, which looks to be a dilly.
In teams of 2 complete 3 rounds for reps of the following, 90s per station:
Wallball 20#
Box jump 20"
Push press 75#
Row (for cals)
Teamed up with CFWC business advisor Randall on this, and it sucked plenty. We managed a respectable 701, barely besting a tough team made up of Chris and Jake (by 15ish reps). As usual the box jump and push press were the most productive, the SDLHP and row the least. "Fight Gone Bad" is my absolute least favorite CF WOD. Yes, worse than "Fran." Much worse. At least "Fran" is over with quickly. Not looking forward whatsoever to the FGB comp on Saturday, but can't see any way out of it. On the plus side, I think CFWC will field a very strong team that should be in the hunt for the affiliate title. Hoping to put up a significant PR to my current 358. Being the PR whore that I am, my friends may have to confiscate my belt and shoelaces if I don't. Just sayin'...
2nd week of 5-3-1 in the back squat and bench press tomorrow, followed by the CFWC WOD, which looks to be a dilly.
Fox River Marathon
Real quick, cuz I gotta run. In less than an hour, my good friend and client Tammy will start running her first ever marathon in St. Charles. She's a bit nervous but has put in the work and is well prepared. Incidently, she's run no more than 13 miles in any training run, relying on the daily WOD at CFWC and 2-3 CFE WODs per week, and favors a Paleo/Zone diet over a traditional high-carb endurance athlete's diet. Come out and watch if you get the chance. If not, please send out some positive energy to keep the wings at her heels.
More later
Woohoo! She finished, and she was awesome! We had the opportunity to cheer her on with signs made by the kids and some profound jackassery (yelling like complete idiots) at several locales during the race, and each time she had a big smile on her face. She had a little trouble around mile 18 with stiffness in her calf, but she stayed strong and when it all shook out she'd finished her 1st marathon in 4:18:31. Way to go Tammy! We're all proud of you.
More later
Woohoo! She finished, and she was awesome! We had the opportunity to cheer her on with signs made by the kids and some profound jackassery (yelling like complete idiots) at several locales during the race, and each time she had a big smile on her face. She had a little trouble around mile 18 with stiffness in her calf, but she stayed strong and when it all shook out she'd finished her 1st marathon in 4:18:31. Way to go Tammy! We're all proud of you.
Friday, September 17, 2010
3 Rounds for time:
10 Hang squat clean thrusters 40# DBs
10 C2B Pullups
*Every minute on the minute perform 5 burpees
Was short on time this evening so after the 5:15 class I warmed up and hit the ClubHouse WOD. Haas was good enough to stick around to watch the clock and scream obcenities at my slow ass. Really wanted to try this with 50s but thought I might have trouble sustaining a fast pace. Turned out that 40s were just right. Got through the 1st round and 5 HSCTs before the 1st set of burpees. HSCTs were unbroken (except by burpees), but pullups got a little tough. Grip was a limiting factor. I think I could slice a few seconds off this by using a hook grip on the DBs (why didn't that occur to me before?). When it was all said and done the clock read 3:41. This WOD was very "Fran"-esque. It didn't hurt that terribly while I was in the thick of it, but when I finished and hit the floor, it felt like my throat was bleeding for a good 10 minutes. An hour later and I still can't take a deep breath without coughing. Must have been a good one.
Some strength work tomorrow. Probably shoot for a max in the front squat.
10 Hang squat clean thrusters 40# DBs
10 C2B Pullups
*Every minute on the minute perform 5 burpees
Was short on time this evening so after the 5:15 class I warmed up and hit the ClubHouse WOD. Haas was good enough to stick around to watch the clock and scream obcenities at my slow ass. Really wanted to try this with 50s but thought I might have trouble sustaining a fast pace. Turned out that 40s were just right. Got through the 1st round and 5 HSCTs before the 1st set of burpees. HSCTs were unbroken (except by burpees), but pullups got a little tough. Grip was a limiting factor. I think I could slice a few seconds off this by using a hook grip on the DBs (why didn't that occur to me before?). When it was all said and done the clock read 3:41. This WOD was very "Fran"-esque. It didn't hurt that terribly while I was in the thick of it, but when I finished and hit the floor, it felt like my throat was bleeding for a good 10 minutes. An hour later and I still can't take a deep breath without coughing. Must have been a good one.
Some strength work tomorrow. Probably shoot for a max in the front squat.
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