Power clean 5x3
Ring dips, strict 3x max reps
3 Rounds for time:
50 Doubleunders
10 C2B pullups
10 Clapping pushups
Hit this little dilly around 8:30pm at the ClubHouse with Rick, one of our members. My hopes weren't high, as sleep was crap again last night. The bruised heel was feeling a little better, not to the point that I'm able to use my oly shoes, but good enough to add a little weight in the power clean from last week. Warmed up with 135 and 155# and hit the sets across with 175#. Kept the weight moving fast and form was good. Ring dips went 13, 11, 14. Need to warm up better before these. For the 2nd week in a row, my best set was the last. In the WOD, I had my sights set on sub-5:00. I finished the 1st round completely unbroken, picked up my jumprope, and my forearms were just screamin'. Last 2 sets of doubleunders were badly broken into 10s and 20s, though the pullups weren't really a challenge. I dropped off the pullup bar in the 3rd round at 4:51 and limped through the final set of pushups to finish in 5:38. It never fails to amaze me how doubleunders can wreck the movements that proceed them. I've heard some (who most likely struggle with the movement, if they've even tried) say that they're just a skill, and don't offer much benefit over plain ol' jumping rope. WRONG. Totally different movement, with far greater demands on the shoulders, core, grip, lungs, and concentration.
Rest tomorrow.
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