Friday, October 22, 2010

10/22 Zoftag!!!

Find 1RM front squat

"Josh" for time:
21 Overhead squats 95#
42 Pullups
15 OHS
30 Pullups
18 Pullups

30 Good mornings 45#

Dropped in on the 9:30am class at CFWC.  The group was already front squatting so I jumped in with Rick and Mac.  Oddly, considering my failures at the FS last week (a paltry and difficult 5# PR) and lack of extensive warmup, the weights felt light.  So up they went.  Hit 245 and 265 (another 5# PR) easily, so with a PR in my back pocket, I loaded up the bar to 275#, stomped my feet and unracked it. Had trouble drawing a big breath into my abdomen and nearly lost it coming out of the hole, but I managed to recover and stand it up for a 15# PR. 
"Josh" is one of my favorite WODs and I was looking forward to it.  Was hoping to complete all OHS unbroken and at least the 1st set of pullups as well.  Was not to be as it turned out, but I did manage 37 pullups before my grip was screaming at me.  All OHS were indeed unbroken.  Pullups were broken up quite a bit in the rounds of 30 and 18, and I had to scramble a few times to find space on the crowded pullup bars.  When it was all said and done the clock read 5:13.  Previous PR, nearly a year ago was 6:14.
Curious how these two movements seem to blow each other up.  You wouldn't think OHS would have such a profound effect on your grip, but it does indeed.  More predictable is the fatigue each movement causes to the core and shoulder girdle, causing each movement to negatively affect the performance of the next.  After 42 pullups, the set of 15 OHS becomes a bit dicey halfway through, forcing you to concentrate on active shoulders and stabilize the midline when you're gasping for breath.  Gooooood stuff...

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