Wednesday, November 17, 2010

11/13 Fundraiser for St. Judes at CFNA

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:                 
30 Jump-and-touches, 18" above reach
12 Burpees
2 Seated tire drags (55#), 20'
12 Broad jumps, 6' minimum

CFWC divided forces this morning, CK escorting a group to the Gobble Hobble 10K run, while I ran the usual 9am WOD and then took a small group over to CrossFit of Naperville for a fundraiser benefitting St. Judes Children's Hospital.  In all, Jake, Bob, Tina, Randall, Randall's parents, and I made the short trip over to CFNA.  Bob had decided beforehand to compete in the WOD, while the others were going to donate and lend support to a great cause.  I was less than enthused about the WOD, as I'm nursing a bruised heel, and essentially jumping for 15 minutes did not seem like the best therapy for such a malady.  But, as everyone said would happen (rolling their eyes, I might add), as soon as I entered the facility and felt the competitive energy, the gauntlet was cast.
   Unfortunately, Jake, Randall, and his folks had to bounce before Bob's and my heat came up, but Tina stayed to cheer us on and keep score for us.  My hope was for 7 rounds, as the best score to that point was 6.  Our heat was full of TALL guys.  Read: good at jumping.  So I tried to do what I always do: set a blistering pace and dare everyone else to keep up.
   The burpees, as one should have expected, slowed things way down after a few rounds.  The tire pull was a cool, different movement that I enjoyed.  Unfortunately, completing only 2 of them wasn't enough recovery from the jumping movements to keep a high pace, nor was it enough to allow someone strong in that movement to distance themselves from the tall jumpy guys.  The broad jumps weren't particularly taxing, but were a slow movement (jump, turn around, jump, turn around...), and they weren't kind to my sore heel.  When all was said and done, I'd completed 6 rounds, 30 jump-and-touches, and 1 stinkin' burpee, which was good enough for 1st place, though not by much.  Bob gave it hell and came in just a bit behind that.  More importantly, we had both decided before the WOD that we would hold ourselves to the strictest standards of range-of-motion, as is customary at CFWC.  We both walked away knowing that every rep we performed was legit.
   Afterward, the 3 of us enjoyed some unPaleo treats from Buffalo Wild Wings, one of the fundraiser's sponsors, and a few adult beverages, soaking up the CF community love. 
   Our group over at the Gobble Hobble repped CFWC in solid fashion as well, turning in a number of 50ish minute 10Ks in decidedly less than ideal weather (cold, rainy and overall shitty).  Details on that can be found at
Not a bad day

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