Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10/12 Tuesday- Strength, Metcon, and CFE

Power clean 2 reps on the minute for 8 minutes
Ring dip 3x max reps (no kip)
21-15-9 for time:
Straight barbell curl 85#
GHD situp

Did the power cleans with 185#.  No big deal.  Wanted to keep the weight light and fast.  Will go heavier next week.  205# sounds about right.
Ring dips went 15, 13, 13.  Will do these weighted next week, along with yesterday's dead hang pullups.
Metcon: yup, you read that right.  Barbell curls.  Most CrossFitters will turn their noses up at the very thought, but not this guy.  Anyone who finds them non-functional has never held their 4-year old in the crook of their arm for 5 minutes.  They're also beneficial for strengthening the connective tissues of the elbow, which might be useful for someone attempting 100+ butterfly pullups in a WOD, and well, I like 'em.  Odd choice for a metcon?  Maybe, but my lungs would beg to differ.  1st and 3rd sets of curls unbroken, all GHD situps unbroken.  4:42 when it was said and done.

Tabata row
8 rounds of :20 work/:10 rest for meters

About 8 hours after the last GHD situp I hit this CrossFit Endurance WOD from a few weeks ago.  At the recommendation of a few of our members who've had tremendous success with CFE in addition to the CFWC daily WODs, I've decided to give this a shot.  Gonna shoot for 2 CFEs a week, one rowing, one running.  Thought this would be a good one to get my feet wet with.  Rounds looked like this:  106, 106, 104, 103, 103, 101, 102, 101.  I'll have to check the CFE site to see how this stacks up.

Darn good day all told.  Didn't get the best night's sleep but diet was spot on.  Plenty of quality protein, fat, water, and the fish oil is dialed in again.  Also started supplementing with my favorite brand of creatine again, pre and post-WOD.  Feel like I could hit another WOD if I wanted, which I do not.  Most likely rest tomorrow.  Front squats, bench press, and chest-to-bar pullups on Thursday.

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