Friday, November 5, 2010

11/4-11/5 Catch Up (Ketchup?)

Max effort bench press 5-2-2-1-1-1

The 3 reps over 90%1RM were 225, 235, 240#.  240 was a modest 5# PR.  Skipped the assistance work because I knew what today's WOD was and I wanted to hit it in the morning with the 9:30 crew.  Which brings us to...

"The Air Force WOD"
For time: (with 95# barbell)
20 Thrusters
20 Push jerks
20 OHSs
20 Front squats
*Every minute on the minute (including the 1st minute) perform 4 burpees

This was WOD 1 from the CrossFit Games Midwest Sectional Qualifier from last year.  The one I should have entered and regretfully didn't.  Unfortunately, as much as I was looking forward to doing this WOD and seeing how I might have faired, I woke up feeling pretty gosh darned crappy.  My little boys have had me up the past 2 nights and something I ate yesterday didn't quite agree with me.  But you just never know so I rolled into the Clubhouse to give it hell anyway.  Got through the thrusters and a handful of SDLHPs in the 1st minute, the remainder of the SDLHPs and a few push jerks in the 2nd, the rest of the push jerks and 3 OHSs in the 3rd, and then the wheels fell off the cart.  The OHSs were slowwwww...Up to this point I'd been on pace for my goal of a sub-5:00 time.  Shoulders were smoked and the legs were starting to feel Wednesday's triple dilly all over again.  Thankfully, I was still able to nearly finish the OHSs before the minute was up, leaving only 3 OHSs and the 20 front squats to finish in the 6th minute.  And I needed every second.  Just as CK was about to call for burpees I finished my last front squat and called time.  5:57 was about a minute slower than I'd hoped for but it would have been good enough for 7th place at the sectional.  Which is nice to know on a day when you're not your best.  I was wrecked pretty good afterward, but felt much better after staring at the bottom of the puke bucket for a few minutes=)
Hopefully I'll have time a little later to squeeze in DE deadlifts in the garage, and stay on schedule with the Westside template.

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