Thursday, November 4, 2010

11/3 Klibbus!!!

Triple dilly today

A. 12-9-6 for time:
Row (cals)
Thruster 95#

B. 12-9-6 for time:
Deadlift 225#

C. 12-9-6 for time:
Hang power clean 95#
C2B Pullup

Worked out with the 7:15 group.  Wasn't sure I was going to, but Jenny's brother Ryan was there (stud), so I thought I'd give it a holler.  After WOD A (2:30) my legs pooled up with lactic acid from yesterday's ME lower body work, which was super pleasant.  WOD B (2:08) felt slow but was unbroken.  In WOD C (2:14), the power cleans were easy and fast.  Was able to muscle clean each rep.  The C2B pullups were another story.  Usually a big strength for me, every set was broken, the 2nd two badly.  What wasn't apparent at the outset of the WOD was that each couplet had a significant pulling element and grip requirement.  Of course, it all added up at the end.  I'm thankful that I opted to row 1st rather than last which was my 1st choice.  Afterward my head pounded every time I attempted to stand, for at least 20 minutes.  Probably atributable to undereating during the day.  Good, brutal, burner of a WOD.

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