Sunday, December 12, 2010

12/11 \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/

For time, in teams of 2: (only one teammate working at a time)
30 Handstand pushups
40 Deadlifts 225#
50 Pullups
60 Wallballs 20#
70 Box jumps 20"
80 Push presses 45#
90 Doubleunders

Teamed up with CFWC she-badass Tammy on this one.  We typically do team workouts on Saturday mornings, and most of the time Tammy and I are paired with athletes who need a little help, so this was a nice change of pace.  She used 135# in the DL, a 15# wallball, and 35# in the push press.  We split the reps more or less equally, though this was not a requirement of the WOD, kept each other fresh, and blazed through it without a hitch.  After the last DU the clock read 11:20, about a minute faster than the next group.  It should be noted that both of us, and indeed most of the CFWC athletes present, completed this WOD on about 3-4 hours sleep (due to the CFWC ugly sweater holiday party last night, more on that later), making a smoker of a WOD that much more awesome.
Good fun

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