Wednesday, October 27, 2010

10/26 Heavyish

Max effort back squat 5-3-2-2-1-1-1
Glute-ham raise 5-5-5
Ab-wheel roll-out 5-5-5

Continuing my 1st full week of Westside inspired programming, today was ME lower body day.  The idea is not neccesarily to hit a new PR every time out (though that is certainly possible), but to hit at least 3 singles at or above 90% of your 1RM.  Weights went 225x5, 245x3, 265x2, 275x2, 285, 295, 305#.  Glute-ham raises on the GHD have become just about my favorite movement since I've finally learned how to recruit the calves and hamstrings properly.  I perform these as a hip extension and raise right into the GH raise.  After 3 sets of 5 the benefit they lend to all posterior chain dominant movements (DLs, squats, oly lifts, etc) is obvious.  The ab-wheel has always been one of my favorite movements.  Far more than a tremendous core stimulus, the shoulders, lats, hip flexors, serratus, and quads also recieve a healthy dose, and the movement is very similar to slowly lowering from an inverted hang or front lever.  Given that an ab-wheel costs about $8 at Walmart (a loaded barbell also works nicely), and the easily scalable nature of the movement, these should be in everyone's core movement arsenal.
Quick WOD tomorrow

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