Saturday, October 2, 2010

10/2 "Diane"

21-15-9 for time:
Deadlift 225#
Handstand pushup

It was PR Saturday at the Clubhouse this morning, and we saw lots of new ink on the leaderboards.  My lady of choice was "Diane", and I was gonna finally break 4:00 or die trying.  My last two attempts at this WOD came in at 4:10.  The 1st was OK.  It was a PR of 10-15 seconds. The 2nd time, HSPUs just abandoned me completely and was a lot like kissing your sister.  So, I was a little nervous.  As it turned out, by the time I'd loaded a bar, chalked up and shook out the jitters, there were a bunch of good people waiting to cheer me on.  If I'm honest, the deadlifts were light and never presented a problem.  I'm reasonably certain that I simply cannot complete them any faster with full ROM.  The HSPUs were another story.  They started off fairly strong, and I was careful to avoid going to failure, but they declined rapidly.  I kipped a rep of the 15s and a number of the 9s as well.  Despite that, I never once thought I might not PR.  All my friends, clients, people that I love, that I've shed sweat and blood with at the Clubhouse, in short my family...screamed their lungs out, doing their damnedest to lend me their energy when I needed it most.  They weren't about to let me fail myself.
And I didn't.
Take that Di.

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