Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Little guys can row too-9/19 Mainsite WOD

Row 1:00 max effort for meters

This was the buy in for our regular classes today (x3, recover between).  Best round on the board was 340 by Big Poppa Alex.  After coaching the 5:15 through it and watching CK post a 339 (like kissing your sister buddy, I feel for ya), I couldn't resist giving it a holler.  I figured one round wouldn't crush me too badly for my WOD and would get my troublesome hips good and loosened up.  Grip it and rip it baby.  When it all shook out the monitor read 356.  Man, that was a long minute, and man do I hate rowing.

5 rounds: (no time element)
Deadlift 3 reps
Max Handstand pushups

Been looking forward to this WOD for a few days to see where my DL and HSPUs are at.  Rounds looked like this:
Both movements felt strong, and if I'm honest this was the best WOD I've turned in in a few weeks.  375# went up fast, which surprised me since it's only a few pounds below my 1RM.  Decided to back it off after that, remembering that FGB is only a few days away.  HSPUs are finally looking up too.  Hit the HSPUs immediately following the deads and rested about 3 minutes between rounds.  Gotta do "Diane" again soon, that fickle bitch.  Hope to have video up tomorrow.
All for now

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