Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fight Gone Bad 5

Well, I'd been dreading this event for months, but it ended up being an awesome day, for a lot of people.  The event was held at CrossFit Tri-Cities in St. Charles, and at least 5 affiliates and (by my estimation) about 100 participants in attendance.  CFWC brought a strong contingent of Rick, Jill, Steve, Tina, Tammy, Marisa, Jake, Chris, Tim, Mac, CK, and myself, and I expected big things.  For the uninitiated, FGB looks like this:
3 Rounds for reps
Each round complete as many reps as possible of each movement for 1:00 before moving on to the next, with a 1:00 rest period between rounds
Wallball 20#
Box jump 20"
Push press 75#
Row (for calories)

For many, if not most of our team, this was the first go at FGB, and some impressive efforts were turned out.  Jill, with a score of 308, walked away with 1st place in the rx'd women's division, and was one of only two women to break 300.   CK (co-owner of CFWC) posted a 30 rep PR 411, and took the men's crown.  I was 2nd at 408, a 50 rep PR.  I was most impressed at how we scored as an affiliate, top to bottom.  Everyone went rx'd, everyone went full tilt boogie for the entire WOD, and everyone got behind their teammates, screaming their voices raw.  A bunch of people finally got to meet FGB, and a bunch of people hit big PRs.  Had there been an affiliate award (as there was last year) we'd have taken it handily.
Afterwards, we all retreated to a fine local establishment for some non-Paleo grub, an adult beverage or two, and the associated hijinks.
CFWC results:
CK 411
Tammy 273
Rick 278
John 408
Tim 326
Tina 255
Jake 322
Marisa 237
Mac 307
Chris 298
Steve 288
Jill 308

Props to Mark and the staff of CrossFit Tri-Cities for a fun and smoothly run event.

Hopefully have some pics and maybe some video up soon

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