Friday, February 25, 2011

2/25/11 Zoftagular!!!

If you find yourself in the Bloomington-Normal area, hit
this place up. Excellent grub. And it happens to be owned
by my baby brother :)
10 Rounds for time:
5 Hang squat cleans -50# dumbells
5 Burpees

I had originally intended to use 45# dumbells, but nearly all of the rx'd men's times had 50# next to their names, so 50s it had to be.  The best time on the board was 7:39, which was a bit longer than the 5-6 minutes I'd had in mind when I programmed the WOD.  I tried to keep a steady, moderate pace (which is a new approach for me) and never really slowed down.  This was rough on the legs and lungs, but the rep scheme was such that it wasn't impossible to push through.  I pushed hard on the last two sets of burpees and finished in 6:12.  Good WOD.  Really tough.  I laid on the floor for a good while letting my throat bleed before peeling my ass of the mat.  Darnedest thing, on the drive home (roughly 30 minutes post-WOD) I experienced a profound sense of euphoria, for a good 15 minutes.  Runner's high?  I dunno.  Gonna have to research it.  Weird.

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