For time:
HSPU 15-13-11-9-7-5-3-1
L-pullup 1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15
After seeing the kids off to school, I mosied on in to the ClubHouse to hit a longish gymnastics heavy metcon. This was my 3rd date with this WOD and I was bound and determined to PR. The 1st time I managed 19:00 and change, the 2nd 15:09. I wrote a bit yesterday about how HSPUs seem to come and go with me, and I'm never sure if they're going to be a strength or not. Well, today they showed up. I guess I should bitch about my goats more often. The rounds of 15, 7, 5, 3, and, ummm, 1 were unbroken and fast. L-pullups were a bit of a different story though. Rounds of 13 and 15 were done in 3s, 2s, and singles. Ughhhh...I could feel that PR slipping away. When it all shook out, I had indeed PR'd with a time of 14:59. Would've preferred something 13:30ish, but happiness comes in small doses.
Deadlift 5-5-5 (60-70-80% of 1RM)
Did a little grocery shopping post-WOD, then ate an entire rotisserie chicken for lunch. The whole flippin' thing. Stopped for nary a breath or a sip of water while I ate it. Energy has been down lately because my 4-year old has been up with growing pains, bad dreams, etc, 3 out of the last 4 nights. Which means I've been up in the middle of the night 3 out of the last 4 nights. So I've been trying to eat my way to functional energy levels. Twisted logic? Probably, but I've never been accused of sanity. Anyway, laid low in the afternoon, hit the ClubHouse to coach the 5:15, then banged out some quick DLs. Weights were 240, 280, 320#. Light and smooth, no big whoop, form felt solid. The 1st week of 5-3-1 always feels like a warmup.
Rest tomorrow. Probably work some gymnastics progressions with coach Jill and hit the mobility WOD with KStar. Ice bath if I find the time. Cuz that's always fun.
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