30 Muscleups for time
Took an unexpected rest day yesterday and I can't say I'm sorry. Just got busy with one thing after an other. Blah...I did, however, spend some time working on a new training template for the next few months. More on that later.
Anyway, had a bit of time between classes so I decided to hit a WOD I hadn't done since April of last year. I've been practicing MUs with no false grip for a little while and was eager to see how it worked out. Previous best (4/09) was 6:04. Ended up with a 5:48 PR, which I was pleased with for the most part. I finally broke 6:00 and managed the 1st 15 reps with no false grip. Sets were 5-5-5-2-2-2-2-2-2-1-1-1, which is good because in the past I was generally reduced to singles after 15 or so. Also, I never failed a rep, which on one hand might be considered a plus. On the other hand, maybe that means I left a bit too much in the tank, and could've gone harder out of the gate. Ehhh, live and learn and never look a PR in the mouth. Deadlifts and presses tonight.

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
9/27 Strength
Back squat 5-3-1+ (70-809-%1RM)
Bench press 5-3-1+ (70-80-90%1RM)
Feeling better than I have any right to after Fight Gone Bad on Saturday. A three hour nap yesterday afternoon didn't hurt. Felt good enough to hit my usual Monday strength work. Back squats weren't too bad, and I frickin' hate squatting heavy. Weights were 230, 260, 290#. Managed 3 reps at 290. Felt good. I haven't squatted near my max since early in the summer so I was happy with that. Bench went well too. Weights were 175, 200, 225#. Got 4 reps at 225#. Mike was good enough to stick around and give me a spot, so I felt confident banging out an extra rep. Thanks Mike.
More later. Not sure what yet.
Bench press 5-3-1+ (70-80-90%1RM)
Feeling better than I have any right to after Fight Gone Bad on Saturday. A three hour nap yesterday afternoon didn't hurt. Felt good enough to hit my usual Monday strength work. Back squats weren't too bad, and I frickin' hate squatting heavy. Weights were 230, 260, 290#. Managed 3 reps at 290. Felt good. I haven't squatted near my max since early in the summer so I was happy with that. Bench went well too. Weights were 175, 200, 225#. Got 4 reps at 225#. Mike was good enough to stick around and give me a spot, so I felt confident banging out an extra rep. Thanks Mike.
More later. Not sure what yet.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Fight Gone Bad 5
Well, I'd been dreading this event for months, but it ended up being an awesome day, for a lot of people. The event was held at CrossFit Tri-Cities in St. Charles, and at least 5 affiliates and (by my estimation) about 100 participants in attendance. CFWC brought a strong contingent of Rick, Jill, Steve, Tina, Tammy, Marisa, Jake, Chris, Tim, Mac, CK, and myself, and I expected big things. For the uninitiated, FGB looks like this:
3 Rounds for reps
Each round complete as many reps as possible of each movement for 1:00 before moving on to the next, with a 1:00 rest period between rounds
Wallball 20#
Box jump 20"
Push press 75#
Row (for calories)
For many, if not most of our team, this was the first go at FGB, and some impressive efforts were turned out. Jill, with a score of 308, walked away with 1st place in the rx'd women's division, and was one of only two women to break 300. CK (co-owner of CFWC) posted a 30 rep PR 411, and took the men's crown. I was 2nd at 408, a 50 rep PR. I was most impressed at how we scored as an affiliate, top to bottom. Everyone went rx'd, everyone went full tilt boogie for the entire WOD, and everyone got behind their teammates, screaming their voices raw. A bunch of people finally got to meet FGB, and a bunch of people hit big PRs. Had there been an affiliate award (as there was last year) we'd have taken it handily.
Afterwards, we all retreated to a fine local establishment for some non-Paleo grub, an adult beverage or two, and the associated hijinks.
CFWC results:
CK 411
Tammy 273
Rick 278
John 408
Tim 326
Tina 255
Jake 322
Marisa 237
Mac 307
Chris 298
Steve 288
Jill 308
Props to Mark and the staff of CrossFit Tri-Cities for a fun and smoothly run event.
Hopefully have some pics and maybe some video up soon
3 Rounds for reps
Each round complete as many reps as possible of each movement for 1:00 before moving on to the next, with a 1:00 rest period between rounds
Wallball 20#
Box jump 20"
Push press 75#
Row (for calories)
For many, if not most of our team, this was the first go at FGB, and some impressive efforts were turned out. Jill, with a score of 308, walked away with 1st place in the rx'd women's division, and was one of only two women to break 300. CK (co-owner of CFWC) posted a 30 rep PR 411, and took the men's crown. I was 2nd at 408, a 50 rep PR. I was most impressed at how we scored as an affiliate, top to bottom. Everyone went rx'd, everyone went full tilt boogie for the entire WOD, and everyone got behind their teammates, screaming their voices raw. A bunch of people finally got to meet FGB, and a bunch of people hit big PRs. Had there been an affiliate award (as there was last year) we'd have taken it handily.
Afterwards, we all retreated to a fine local establishment for some non-Paleo grub, an adult beverage or two, and the associated hijinks.
CFWC results:
CK 411
Tammy 273
Rick 278
John 408
Tim 326
Tina 255
Jake 322
Marisa 237
Mac 307
Chris 298
Steve 288
Jill 308
Props to Mark and the staff of CrossFit Tri-Cities for a fun and smoothly run event.
Hopefully have some pics and maybe some video up soon
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Little guys can row too-9/19 Mainsite WOD
Row 1:00 max effort for meters
This was the buy in for our regular classes today (x3, recover between). Best round on the board was 340 by Big Poppa Alex. After coaching the 5:15 through it and watching CK post a 339 (like kissing your sister buddy, I feel for ya), I couldn't resist giving it a holler. I figured one round wouldn't crush me too badly for my WOD and would get my troublesome hips good and loosened up. Grip it and rip it baby. When it all shook out the monitor read 356. Man, that was a long minute, and man do I hate rowing.
5 rounds: (no time element)
Deadlift 3 reps
Max Handstand pushups
Been looking forward to this WOD for a few days to see where my DL and HSPUs are at. Rounds looked like this:
Both movements felt strong, and if I'm honest this was the best WOD I've turned in in a few weeks. 375# went up fast, which surprised me since it's only a few pounds below my 1RM. Decided to back it off after that, remembering that FGB is only a few days away. HSPUs are finally looking up too. Hit the HSPUs immediately following the deads and rested about 3 minutes between rounds. Gotta do "Diane" again soon, that fickle bitch. Hope to have video up tomorrow.
All for now
This was the buy in for our regular classes today (x3, recover between). Best round on the board was 340 by Big Poppa Alex. After coaching the 5:15 through it and watching CK post a 339 (like kissing your sister buddy, I feel for ya), I couldn't resist giving it a holler. I figured one round wouldn't crush me too badly for my WOD and would get my troublesome hips good and loosened up. Grip it and rip it baby. When it all shook out the monitor read 356. Man, that was a long minute, and man do I hate rowing.
5 rounds: (no time element)
Deadlift 3 reps
Max Handstand pushups
Been looking forward to this WOD for a few days to see where my DL and HSPUs are at. Rounds looked like this:
Both movements felt strong, and if I'm honest this was the best WOD I've turned in in a few weeks. 375# went up fast, which surprised me since it's only a few pounds below my 1RM. Decided to back it off after that, remembering that FGB is only a few days away. HSPUs are finally looking up too. Hit the HSPUs immediately following the deads and rested about 3 minutes between rounds. Gotta do "Diane" again soon, that fickle bitch. Hope to have video up tomorrow.
All for now
World's Strongest Teenager
Just 19 years old, with a 500# clean, 700# olympic squat (x5), and a 440# snatch. Look at the bar bending under the weights this kid pushes. My mind is blown.
Back squat 3-3-3 (65-75-85% of 1RM)
Bench press 3-3-3 (65-75-85% of 1RM)
Still wasn't feeling 100% today but was eager to get back at it. Hit the gym in the afternoon before my 6:15 class to move a little iron. A good long warmup in the back squat helped loosen up the hips, and as is usual for me for some reason, the 2nd set felt lighter than the 1st. Weights were 215-245-275#. Bench felt light and fast, which is nice. Must finally be getting some neuromuscular adaption to the motor pathway of the movement. Weights were 165-190-215#. Managed 4 reps with 215#.
For time:
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters 45#
30 Pullups
After coaching for 2 hours, I hit up a CrossFit classic, "Jackie". This is one of my favorite benchmark WODs, though right this second I'm having a hard time remembering why. Got through the row in 3:12 which is about right for me but seemed to take a lot more effort than it should have. Felt like I should have been able to finish the thrusters unbroken but only managed 38 before taking a quick breather. Pullup weren't too bad. Managed to get through those 15/15. When I nailed the last pullup the clock read 6:41 which is a :10 PR. Then I flopped on the floor and enjoyed the sensation of massaging my sternum from the inside with my pounding heart. Ughhh...that hurt way too much for a :10 PR.
Bench press 3-3-3 (65-75-85% of 1RM)
Still wasn't feeling 100% today but was eager to get back at it. Hit the gym in the afternoon before my 6:15 class to move a little iron. A good long warmup in the back squat helped loosen up the hips, and as is usual for me for some reason, the 2nd set felt lighter than the 1st. Weights were 215-245-275#. Bench felt light and fast, which is nice. Must finally be getting some neuromuscular adaption to the motor pathway of the movement. Weights were 165-190-215#. Managed 4 reps with 215#.
For time:
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters 45#
30 Pullups
After coaching for 2 hours, I hit up a CrossFit classic, "Jackie". This is one of my favorite benchmark WODs, though right this second I'm having a hard time remembering why. Got through the row in 3:12 which is about right for me but seemed to take a lot more effort than it should have. Felt like I should have been able to finish the thrusters unbroken but only managed 38 before taking a quick breather. Pullup weren't too bad. Managed to get through those 15/15. When I nailed the last pullup the clock read 6:41 which is a :10 PR. Then I flopped on the floor and enjoyed the sensation of massaging my sternum from the inside with my pounding heart. Ughhh...that hurt way too much for a :10 PR.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Change of Plans
Just wasn't feeling it today. The 4-year old has had his Dad up in the night 6 times in the last week and a half, I was running around all weekend, consuming questionable food choices, and a few adult beverages may or may not have been consumed in celebration of my good friend's 1st marathon (see below). As a result, today did not go down as planned. Energy was down, hips were tired and sore from the FGB on Saturday, short on time...blah, blah, blah. Anyway, rested today, foam rolled, ate a bunch of good food. Gonna hit it hard tomorrow. Off to bed.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday Update
Team "Fight Gone Bad"
In teams of 2 complete 3 rounds for reps of the following, 90s per station:
Wallball 20#
Box jump 20"
Push press 75#
Row (for cals)
Teamed up with CFWC business advisor Randall on this, and it sucked plenty. We managed a respectable 701, barely besting a tough team made up of Chris and Jake (by 15ish reps). As usual the box jump and push press were the most productive, the SDLHP and row the least. "Fight Gone Bad" is my absolute least favorite CF WOD. Yes, worse than "Fran." Much worse. At least "Fran" is over with quickly. Not looking forward whatsoever to the FGB comp on Saturday, but can't see any way out of it. On the plus side, I think CFWC will field a very strong team that should be in the hunt for the affiliate title. Hoping to put up a significant PR to my current 358. Being the PR whore that I am, my friends may have to confiscate my belt and shoelaces if I don't. Just sayin'...
2nd week of 5-3-1 in the back squat and bench press tomorrow, followed by the CFWC WOD, which looks to be a dilly.
In teams of 2 complete 3 rounds for reps of the following, 90s per station:
Wallball 20#
Box jump 20"
Push press 75#
Row (for cals)
Teamed up with CFWC business advisor Randall on this, and it sucked plenty. We managed a respectable 701, barely besting a tough team made up of Chris and Jake (by 15ish reps). As usual the box jump and push press were the most productive, the SDLHP and row the least. "Fight Gone Bad" is my absolute least favorite CF WOD. Yes, worse than "Fran." Much worse. At least "Fran" is over with quickly. Not looking forward whatsoever to the FGB comp on Saturday, but can't see any way out of it. On the plus side, I think CFWC will field a very strong team that should be in the hunt for the affiliate title. Hoping to put up a significant PR to my current 358. Being the PR whore that I am, my friends may have to confiscate my belt and shoelaces if I don't. Just sayin'...
2nd week of 5-3-1 in the back squat and bench press tomorrow, followed by the CFWC WOD, which looks to be a dilly.
Fox River Marathon
Real quick, cuz I gotta run. In less than an hour, my good friend and client Tammy will start running her first ever marathon in St. Charles. She's a bit nervous but has put in the work and is well prepared. Incidently, she's run no more than 13 miles in any training run, relying on the daily WOD at CFWC and 2-3 CFE WODs per week, and favors a Paleo/Zone diet over a traditional high-carb endurance athlete's diet. Come out and watch if you get the chance. If not, please send out some positive energy to keep the wings at her heels.
More later
Woohoo! She finished, and she was awesome! We had the opportunity to cheer her on with signs made by the kids and some profound jackassery (yelling like complete idiots) at several locales during the race, and each time she had a big smile on her face. She had a little trouble around mile 18 with stiffness in her calf, but she stayed strong and when it all shook out she'd finished her 1st marathon in 4:18:31. Way to go Tammy! We're all proud of you.
More later
Woohoo! She finished, and she was awesome! We had the opportunity to cheer her on with signs made by the kids and some profound jackassery (yelling like complete idiots) at several locales during the race, and each time she had a big smile on her face. She had a little trouble around mile 18 with stiffness in her calf, but she stayed strong and when it all shook out she'd finished her 1st marathon in 4:18:31. Way to go Tammy! We're all proud of you.
Friday, September 17, 2010
3 Rounds for time:
10 Hang squat clean thrusters 40# DBs
10 C2B Pullups
*Every minute on the minute perform 5 burpees
Was short on time this evening so after the 5:15 class I warmed up and hit the ClubHouse WOD. Haas was good enough to stick around to watch the clock and scream obcenities at my slow ass. Really wanted to try this with 50s but thought I might have trouble sustaining a fast pace. Turned out that 40s were just right. Got through the 1st round and 5 HSCTs before the 1st set of burpees. HSCTs were unbroken (except by burpees), but pullups got a little tough. Grip was a limiting factor. I think I could slice a few seconds off this by using a hook grip on the DBs (why didn't that occur to me before?). When it was all said and done the clock read 3:41. This WOD was very "Fran"-esque. It didn't hurt that terribly while I was in the thick of it, but when I finished and hit the floor, it felt like my throat was bleeding for a good 10 minutes. An hour later and I still can't take a deep breath without coughing. Must have been a good one.
Some strength work tomorrow. Probably shoot for a max in the front squat.
10 Hang squat clean thrusters 40# DBs
10 C2B Pullups
*Every minute on the minute perform 5 burpees
Was short on time this evening so after the 5:15 class I warmed up and hit the ClubHouse WOD. Haas was good enough to stick around to watch the clock and scream obcenities at my slow ass. Really wanted to try this with 50s but thought I might have trouble sustaining a fast pace. Turned out that 40s were just right. Got through the 1st round and 5 HSCTs before the 1st set of burpees. HSCTs were unbroken (except by burpees), but pullups got a little tough. Grip was a limiting factor. I think I could slice a few seconds off this by using a hook grip on the DBs (why didn't that occur to me before?). When it was all said and done the clock read 3:41. This WOD was very "Fran"-esque. It didn't hurt that terribly while I was in the thick of it, but when I finished and hit the floor, it felt like my throat was bleeding for a good 10 minutes. An hour later and I still can't take a deep breath without coughing. Must have been a good one.
Some strength work tomorrow. Probably shoot for a max in the front squat.
Lifting with the Champ
Well, I kept my vow to rest yesterday, for the most part. My good friend, and fellow trainer at CFWC, Haas, came in late to meet with Brian, an MMA guy from the old space, to wrestle and throw some hands. Turns out that back in the day Brian was a powerlifter. A good one. In fact, a holder of one Natural (meaning no steroids, essentially) powerlifting title or another, or several, I'm foggy on that part. Suffice to say, he's stronger than all hell. Like 700# deadlift strong. So, what was supposed to be a boxing/jiu-jitsu session turned into a clinic on the finer points of the sumo deadlift. I was shocked at the flexibility and core strength required. After only a few pulls at anything over 300#, I'm sore in places I've never been sore before. Also of note was a technique he showed us on how to generate maximum tension in the bottom position, before ever even trying to break the bar free of the ground. Enlightening stuff that I can't wait to show our clients
More later
More later
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
High Rep Gymnastics/Heavy Deads
For time:
HSPU 15-13-11-9-7-5-3-1
L-pullup 1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15
After seeing the kids off to school, I mosied on in to the ClubHouse to hit a longish gymnastics heavy metcon. This was my 3rd date with this WOD and I was bound and determined to PR. The 1st time I managed 19:00 and change, the 2nd 15:09. I wrote a bit yesterday about how HSPUs seem to come and go with me, and I'm never sure if they're going to be a strength or not. Well, today they showed up. I guess I should bitch about my goats more often. The rounds of 15, 7, 5, 3, and, ummm, 1 were unbroken and fast. L-pullups were a bit of a different story though. Rounds of 13 and 15 were done in 3s, 2s, and singles. Ughhhh...I could feel that PR slipping away. When it all shook out, I had indeed PR'd with a time of 14:59. Would've preferred something 13:30ish, but happiness comes in small doses.
Deadlift 5-5-5 (60-70-80% of 1RM)
Did a little grocery shopping post-WOD, then ate an entire rotisserie chicken for lunch. The whole flippin' thing. Stopped for nary a breath or a sip of water while I ate it. Energy has been down lately because my 4-year old has been up with growing pains, bad dreams, etc, 3 out of the last 4 nights. Which means I've been up in the middle of the night 3 out of the last 4 nights. So I've been trying to eat my way to functional energy levels. Twisted logic? Probably, but I've never been accused of sanity. Anyway, laid low in the afternoon, hit the ClubHouse to coach the 5:15, then banged out some quick DLs. Weights were 240, 280, 320#. Light and smooth, no big whoop, form felt solid. The 1st week of 5-3-1 always feels like a warmup.
Rest tomorrow. Probably work some gymnastics progressions with coach Jill and hit the mobility WOD with KStar. Ice bath if I find the time. Cuz that's always fun.
For time:
HSPU 15-13-11-9-7-5-3-1
L-pullup 1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15
After seeing the kids off to school, I mosied on in to the ClubHouse to hit a longish gymnastics heavy metcon. This was my 3rd date with this WOD and I was bound and determined to PR. The 1st time I managed 19:00 and change, the 2nd 15:09. I wrote a bit yesterday about how HSPUs seem to come and go with me, and I'm never sure if they're going to be a strength or not. Well, today they showed up. I guess I should bitch about my goats more often. The rounds of 15, 7, 5, 3, and, ummm, 1 were unbroken and fast. L-pullups were a bit of a different story though. Rounds of 13 and 15 were done in 3s, 2s, and singles. Ughhhh...I could feel that PR slipping away. When it all shook out, I had indeed PR'd with a time of 14:59. Would've preferred something 13:30ish, but happiness comes in small doses.
Deadlift 5-5-5 (60-70-80% of 1RM)
Did a little grocery shopping post-WOD, then ate an entire rotisserie chicken for lunch. The whole flippin' thing. Stopped for nary a breath or a sip of water while I ate it. Energy has been down lately because my 4-year old has been up with growing pains, bad dreams, etc, 3 out of the last 4 nights. Which means I've been up in the middle of the night 3 out of the last 4 nights. So I've been trying to eat my way to functional energy levels. Twisted logic? Probably, but I've never been accused of sanity. Anyway, laid low in the afternoon, hit the ClubHouse to coach the 5:15, then banged out some quick DLs. Weights were 240, 280, 320#. Light and smooth, no big whoop, form felt solid. The 1st week of 5-3-1 always feels like a warmup.
Rest tomorrow. Probably work some gymnastics progressions with coach Jill and hit the mobility WOD with KStar. Ice bath if I find the time. Cuz that's always fun.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
C&J/Double Tabatas
Clean & Jerk (65%x2, 70%x2, 75%x1, 80%x1)x2
-2 Hours later
Double Alternating Tabata: (8 rounds)
Wallball 20#
Rope climb 15'
For a number of reasons I've decided to back off from the OPT programming a bit until after FGB5. The constant oly lifting in the current phase has taken a toll on my left wrist, and if I'm honest, I've grown a little bored with the metcon. Man cannot survive on rowing, running and burpees alone. On top of that, I'm starting to really miss working out with the classes at our box, and I've always felt strongest and most confident when I'm squatting, DLing, etc heavy every week. I'll absolutely come back to it, because I can feel and see the obvious progress I've made on it. But for now, I need a little break.
Let's get to the gettin'. C&J felt light and fluid. Weights were 165, 180, 190, 205#. I only rested long enough to change plates and by the end I was drippin' a good sweat. After coaching two classes and swallowing a handful of almonds I laced up and hit a WOD I'd been looking forward to for some time. I managed 10 wallballs and 2 rope climbs each round. The wallballs weren't too bad, but 2 rope climbs in 20 seconds is no joke, and by the end I was flying down that rope to get the rep in before the time was up. Cool, fun WOD. Looking forward to unleashing this one on some of our advanced clients.
Last night:
Bench press 5-5-5 (60-70-80% of 1RM)
Back squat (low bar) 5-5-5 (60-70-80% of 1RM)
50 GHD situps
Max reps HSPUs, 1 set
After not benching or squatting heavy for about 6 weeks, I was pleasantly surprised with this one. BP weights were 155, 175, 205#. 5th rep of last set was a struggle, but I got it up without having to dump plates off the end of the bar, which is a plus. Squats were 200, 230, 260#. After 200 and 230 felt heavy as all hell, I didn't hold out a lot of hope that 260 would go up 5 times. But I'll be gosh darned if it didn't. I flippin' hate squatting.
HSPUs are just an enigma to me. It doesn't seem to matter what I do, the numbers just don't ever seem to improve much. I've tried GTG, ladders, EDT, extended ROM, Tabatas, max effort sets, HS holds, you name it. Managed 19 reps, which ties my PR. I'm dying to take another swing at "Diane" and finally go sub-4:00, but I'm never sure when I'll have solid HSPUs. Perplexing. And frustrating.
Looking forward to hitting the WOD at the ClubHouse in the am.
-2 Hours later
Double Alternating Tabata: (8 rounds)
Wallball 20#
Rope climb 15'
For a number of reasons I've decided to back off from the OPT programming a bit until after FGB5. The constant oly lifting in the current phase has taken a toll on my left wrist, and if I'm honest, I've grown a little bored with the metcon. Man cannot survive on rowing, running and burpees alone. On top of that, I'm starting to really miss working out with the classes at our box, and I've always felt strongest and most confident when I'm squatting, DLing, etc heavy every week. I'll absolutely come back to it, because I can feel and see the obvious progress I've made on it. But for now, I need a little break.
Let's get to the gettin'. C&J felt light and fluid. Weights were 165, 180, 190, 205#. I only rested long enough to change plates and by the end I was drippin' a good sweat. After coaching two classes and swallowing a handful of almonds I laced up and hit a WOD I'd been looking forward to for some time. I managed 10 wallballs and 2 rope climbs each round. The wallballs weren't too bad, but 2 rope climbs in 20 seconds is no joke, and by the end I was flying down that rope to get the rep in before the time was up. Cool, fun WOD. Looking forward to unleashing this one on some of our advanced clients.
Last night:
Bench press 5-5-5 (60-70-80% of 1RM)
Back squat (low bar) 5-5-5 (60-70-80% of 1RM)
50 GHD situps
Max reps HSPUs, 1 set
After not benching or squatting heavy for about 6 weeks, I was pleasantly surprised with this one. BP weights were 155, 175, 205#. 5th rep of last set was a struggle, but I got it up without having to dump plates off the end of the bar, which is a plus. Squats were 200, 230, 260#. After 200 and 230 felt heavy as all hell, I didn't hold out a lot of hope that 260 would go up 5 times. But I'll be gosh darned if it didn't. I flippin' hate squatting.
HSPUs are just an enigma to me. It doesn't seem to matter what I do, the numbers just don't ever seem to improve much. I've tried GTG, ladders, EDT, extended ROM, Tabatas, max effort sets, HS holds, you name it. Managed 19 reps, which ties my PR. I'm dying to take another swing at "Diane" and finally go sub-4:00, but I'm never sure when I'll have solid HSPUs. Perplexing. And frustrating.
Looking forward to hitting the WOD at the ClubHouse in the am.
Here Goes
So I decided to start a blog. Quite an adventure for a techno idiot like myself, but a number of people in my life thought it might be a good idea. A bit about me and why I'm sharing my training exploits with the unsuspecting world: I'm the co-owner and Director of Training at CrossFit Will County in Oswego, Illinois. I've been CrossFitting seriously for close to four years, but training for one athletic pursuit or another, largely swimming and lacrosse, my whole life. Like many, I've often wondered how I'd measure up to the sport's top competitors. Earlier this year, at the urging of our optimistic members, I and a few others from our box, entered a downstate competition. Out of over a hundred entrants, we placed four in the top six. I won two of the three events as well as the overall, by a signifigant margin. So what the hell? Maybe it's time to see how I stack up. And so begins the road to the sectional qualifier, held early next year in the St. Louis area. Time to shore up some weaknesses, not the least of which would be, well, weakness. I'm pretty fast, but shall we say, a bit understrong. After a number of conversations with James (OPT) Fitzgerald, owner of Optimum Performance Training and winner of the 2007 CrossFit Games, I've decided to follow his training prescription, which can be found at optimumperformancetraining.blogspot.com. The training is very demanding, usually including a number of doubles and sometimes triples in a typical week, and recovery has already become a slight issue. But I'll keep working on it and slugging away everyday, warts and all. Here are a few vitals if anyone cares, some I'm happy with, others I wish would just improve already:
Fran 2:38
Diane 4:10
Grace 2:53
Helen 7:26
Deadlift 385#
Clean & Jerk 245#
Back squat 315#
500m row 1:29
Consecutive pullups 57
Fight Gone Bad 358
Thanks for reading. More later.
Fran 2:38
Diane 4:10
Grace 2:53
Helen 7:26
Deadlift 385#
Clean & Jerk 245#
Back squat 315#
500m row 1:29
Consecutive pullups 57
Fight Gone Bad 358
Thanks for reading. More later.
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